
Events and activities at Virginia Water Community Library

Page contents

Special events

Mosaic coaster workshop for adults

Saturday 5 April from 2.30pm until 4.30pm.

You'll design a coaster to take home and watch a demonstration of encaustic wax painting by Andrew Stimson.

Enjoy a free hot drink while you craft.

Donation 拢3 each. To reserve your spot please visit the library or email

Rhymetime and storytime


Every Friday from 10.30am to 11am.

This is a wonderful time to bring your toddler to the library, whether you are a parent, grandparent or carer. Together you can enjoy nursery rhymes and songs and meet other parents and carers.

Find out more about rhymetime in 中国P站 libraries.


There are currently no storytime sessions at this library.

Find out more about storytime in 中国P站 libraries.

Reading groups

Book group

Last Friday of every month, from 2pm until 3pm

Come along and join in an informal chat about a variety of books that we have all read.

Find out more about reading groups in 中国P站 libraries.

Other events

Canasta (card game) group

The first and third Friday of every month, from 2pm to 4pm

All are welcome to join this friendly group and learn how to play the game if they are unfamiliar.

If you are interested in joining the group please contact:

Book and Brew coffee shop

Available during regular opening hours.

We are open for "beans to cup" coffee, a selection of teas, juices and snacks.

Tuesday coffee morning

Every Tuesday from 10.30am until 12 noon

All are welcome to come along for a chat over a cuppa and biscuit or cake.

Knit and natter

Every Thursday from 10.15am until 12 noon.

Knitters and any other needle crafter is welcome to join us and chat as we stitch. We usually share a pot of tea as we chat.

Suitable for all ages. No booking necessary, just turn up.

Scrabble afternoon

Every second and fourth Friday of the month, from 2pm until 4pm.

All are welcome to join.

Children's craft

Every second Saturday of the month, from 10.30am until 12.30am

An opportunity to get creative at our library. Our Crafty team provide inspiration and materials for your child to try out and make something to take home.

Suitable for children aged from 3 to 9 years. Cost: donation of 拢1 per child, per session.

No advance booking, just turn up on the day, though numbers may need to be managed.

Meet the beat

Come and speak to your local policing team at Virginia Water Library.

Tuesdays from 10.30am until 12 noon, on the following dates:

  • 25 March
  • 22 April
  • 3 June
  • 1 July

Digital Support Volunteer

There is currently no Digital Support Volunteer service at Virginia Water Community library.

Please see our Digital Support Volunteer page for more information and to find out which libraries currently offer a Digital Support Volunteer service.

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