Page contents
Special events
Adult craft workshop: felt floral wreath
Tuesday 11 March from 2.30pm until 4.30pm.
We will be making a felt floral wreath for you to take home.
You will be provided with all materials, templates and instructions during the workshop and no previous craft experience is required.
We will show you how to make the base of the wreath and 4 different flowers. You will then get the chance to work out the final design so each one will be unique to the maker.
Tickets are 拢12.50 each and can be purchased in branch or by emailing
British Science Week
Science storytime
Wednesday 19 March at 11am
To celebrate British Science Week, we have a rocket and space themed storytime. At the end of the session, we will be making our own mini straw rockets and testing how far they can fly.
Free to attend but donations welcomed.
Science workshop
Saturday 22 March from 2.30pm until 3.30pm
For British Science Week we will be making paper airplanes, helicopters and gliders and comparing which one flies the furthest, quickest and stays in the air the longest, and how we can make adjustment to our aircrafts.
Tickets cost 拢3 and can be booked by emailing For ages 6 to 10 years old.
Shakespeare Week
Shakespeare drop-in
Tuesday 25 March from 4pm until 5pm
Dramatic readings from Shakespeare's plays for Adults. Come along and listen or get involved!
Shakespeare drama workshop
Friday 28 March from 4pm until 5pm
Join us drama and fun to celebrate Shakespeare week!
Free to attend but donations welcomed. For ages 5 years old and over.
Mothers Day crafts
Saturday 29 March from 2.30pm until 3.30pm
Make some special heart shaped Mother's Day cards, just in time for mother's day.
Tickets cost 拢1 and can be booked by emailing For ages 4 years old and over.
Pebble rhymetime and storytime
Pebble rhymetime
- Every Tuesday at 11am.
- Every Thursday at 11am.
- Every Saturday at 11am.
No booking required.
Find out more about Pebble rhymetimes in 中国P站 Libraries.
Every Wednesday at 11am.
Find out more about storytime in 中国P站 libraries.
Reading groups
Godalming library reading group
First Thursday of the month, from 2pm until 3pm.
Find out more about reading groups in 中国P站 libraries.
Chatterbooks reading group
Fourth Thursday of every month from 4pm until 5pm. Starts 23 January.
The Chatterbooks reading group is suitable for ages 8 to 10 years.
Please email to register your interest or for more information.
Friday reading group
First Friday of the month from 2pm until 3pm.
Find out more about reading groups in 中国P站 libraries.
Other events
Hearing Aid clinic
The Hearing Aid Clinic is provided by National Health Service (NHS) trained volunteers. Free hearing aid maintenance, battery changes and advice. NHS supplied hearing aids only. No booking is required.
Third Monday of the month from 10.30am until 12.30pm, on the following dates:
- 17 March
- No clinic in April
- 19 May
- 16 June
- 21 July
- 18 August
- 15 September
- 20 October
- 17 November
- 15 December
Dungeons and Dragons
- Every Tuesday during term time from 4.30pm to 6.30pm for ages 10 to 14 years old.
- Every Saturday during term time from 1pm to 3pm for ages 15 to 18 years old.
Join the Wayfarer's League on a new adventure at Godalming Library as our Dungeon Masters guide you through character creation and learning the joys of table top roleplaying. You will then venture forth with your newly made character, along with your party members on a grand adventure!
Dice, Character sheets and all materials are provided.
Cost: 拢10 per session, paid by the term. Spaces are limited so booking necessary.
For additional information and to book, please email
Scrabble club
First and third Fridays of each month, during term time (and not in half term holidays), from 2pm to 3.30pm.
Knit and stitch craft group
Alternate Mondays, from 2.30pm until 4pm.
Upcoming dates: 17 March
Join us at Godalming Library on alternate Monday afternoons (excluding bank holidays). Bring your own craft project to work on and meet new people. Open to everyone and all crafts are welcome!
Lego and Duplo club
Every Monday from 4pm until 5pm
Lego suitable for ages 6+ or Duplo available for younger children aged 2 to 5.
Sessions cost 拢1. Please email to book a space or visit us in branch.
What next? Wednesdays
Every Wednesday from 2pm until 5pm
Local charity What Next? will be in Godalming Library offering eco advice, information and support. Come and chat to one of their volunteers, share your thoughts and concerns.
What Next? wardrobe warriors
Second Wednesday of every month from 3pm to 5pm
We will help you keep your favourite, comfy clothes going for longer. We can be company whilst you sew on a button or put up a hem. We will have needles, thread in a few colours, a sewing machine and some people who can sew. Bring your buttonless tops, your toeless socks and your holey frocks.
Godalming library Reading Friends poetry group
Godalming Library invites you to join our friendly and informal Poetry Group.
Thursday afternoons, once a month, from 2pm to 3pm. Upcoming dates and themes:
- 20 March: Short
- 17 April: Protest
- 15 May: Song lyrics
- 12 June: Poetry and writing
No specialist knowledge is required, just an interest in sharing our enjoyment of poetry. We will be reading some poetry and talking about the poems and poets we love.
For more information about the Reading Friends programme in 中国P站 Libraries please see our Reading Friends webpage.
French conversation group
Meets on the third Wednesday of the month from 2pm to 3pm. All Welcome!
German conversation group
Meets on the last Friday of the month from 10.30am until 11.30am. All Welcome!
Digital support volunteer
Free, one to one, 45 minute computer help sessions.
Appointments are available on:
- Mondays at 10am, 10.45am and 11.30am.
- Fridays at 2pm, 2.45pm and 3.30pm.
For further details and to book an appointment, please ask a member of staff in the library.
Please see our Digital support volunteer page for more information and to find out which libraries currently offer a Digital support volunteer service.