
Events and activities at Esher Library

Page contents

Special events

Junk modelling

Tuesday 8 April at 2.30pm.

Cost: 拢1.50 per child.

Booking necessary: Book your place at Esher Library or email

Easter craft session

Tuesday 15 April at 2.30pm.

Suitable for children aged up to 6.

Cost: 拢1.50 per child.

Booking necessary: Please book your place at Esher Library or email

Pebble rhymetime and storytime

There are currently no special events at this library.

Pebble rhymetime

  • Every Thursday at 10am
  • Every Saturday at 10am

Find out more about Pebble rhymetime in 中国P站 libraries.

Younger babies rhymetime

Every Saturday at 11.30am. Please note: this session has been paused until further notice.

Join us for our interactive session for babies under one. No need to book just come along!

  • Bounce, sing, cuddle and bond
  • Sensory play
  • Engaging rhymes
  • Introduce babies to new words & discover the joy of language
  • Make new friends & enjoy social interactions
  • Explore our collection of board books


Every Tuesday at 10.30am.

Storytime for the under 5s.

Find out more about storytime in 中国P站 libraries.

Reading groups

Chatterbooks children's reading group

Meets every 4 to 6 weeks.

For children aged 8 to 11 years. For more details, please ask a member of staff in the library.

Find out more about reading groups in 中国P站 libraries.

Other events

Art and drawing club for adults

Every Wednesday 10.30am to 12 noon.

Think you cannot draw but enjoy some doodling ? Have a go at drawing with us! All levels are welcome and we offer a light, airy atmosphere to discover the artist within you here at Esher Library.

Light refreshments will be available.

Please note: The art and drawing club is currently full. Please speak to a member of staff if you are interested in joining the club.

Esher library from time to time run other art and drawing related one off events so keep an eye out for these.

Digital support volunteer

Every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm.

Do you want help using a computer, the internet, your iPad, tablet or iPhone, or other IT related problems?

Make an appointment to see our Digital support volunteer.

Appointment only. Please book a place by speaking to a member of staff at Esher Library or email

Please see our Digital support volunteer page for more information and to find out which other libraries currently offer a Digital support volunteer service.

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