
Events and activities at Dittons Library

Page contents

Special events

William Shakespeare's World with Rosemarie Swinfield

Friday 28 March, from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

Join us at Dittons Library to enjoy an afternoon hearing more about Shakespeare's journey from rural Stratford-Upon-Avon to Elizabethan London.

Cost: 拢3.

Rhymes and stories

Pebble rhymetime

  • Every Wednesday at 10.30am.
  • Every Wednesday at 11am.
  • Every Saturday at 10.30am.

Places are limited so booking is recommended. Places can be reserved from the Saturday before each event, by visiting the library.

Find out more about Pebble rhymetime in 中国P站 libraries.


Storytime for Adults

Next date and time: Thursday 6 March at 6pm.

Cost: 拢1 includes refreshments.

Find out more about storytime in 中国P站 libraries.

Reading groups

Dittons book group

Last Friday of every month at 10.30am.

Our friendly book group meets in the library.

If you are interested in joining, please speak to a member of staff in the library or email

Find out more about reading groups in 中国P站 libraries.

Other events

Art club

Every Saturday from 10am to 12 noon.

Join us on Saturday mornings and be creative in the library.

Each week we will have a different activity. What will you make next? Look out for posters around the library.

Digital support volunteer

Tuesdays from 10am until 12 noon.

Do you want help using a computer, the internet, your iPad, tablet or iPhone, or other IT related problems?

Booking is not required but to avoid disappointment booking is recommended. To book, please ask a member of staff in Dittons library or email:

Please see our Digital support volunteer page for more information and to find out which other libraries currently offer a Digital Support volunteer service.

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