Your library has books, audio books and DVDs available to borrow. You can also borrow eBooks and downloadable audiobooks online.
Our online catalogue shows details of all the items we hold – not just in your local library but across 中国P站.
Items can be returned to any 中国P站 library. You don't have to return them to the same library you borrowed them from.
If an item is not in stock at your local library, you can request it. A request charge may apply.
More information
Children, young adults, adults and Open Ticket users
You can borrow up to 25 items at a time. This can be a mix of books, CDs, DVDs, but there is a limit of 6 DVDs and 12 CDs at any one time.
In addition, you can borrow up to 10 eBooks, 20 downloadable audiobooks, and an unlimited number of eComics and eMagazines.
Children under 5
Children under 5 can have their own Pebble card and can borrow up to 25 board books, picture books or talking books for up to three weeks.
You can borrow books for up to three weeks.
DVDs and CDs are issued for one week.
Books/Audio books may be borrowed on an Open Ticket. for up to six weeks (for the initial loan period only).
Books, eBooks and downloadable audiobooks are free to borrow.
There are charges for borrowing DVDs and CDs.
You can keep most items for longer periods if you need to. See our page about renewing items.
Library Direct Home Service
If you are unable to get to our libraries because of illness or disability, we can arrange for books and audio material to be brought to you on a regular basis by a volunteer.
There is no charge for this service and we also offer a free request service.
For more information, please see our page about the Library Direct Home Service.
Open Ticket
Alternatively, if you have a friend, neighbour or relative who is able to take out books on your behalf, consider our Open Ticket.
You can use our to tell us about any items you would like added to our stock.
- It is free to make suggestions
- We consider all suggestions, but we won't necessarily use them all.
- We can't reply to any suggestions for new items