The Adopted Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD) forms part of the 中国P站 Minerals Plan and provides strategic policies for minerals, and site specific proposals for the extraction of minerals for the period to 2026. The purpose of the Core Strategy DPD is to ensure that the County Council can meet its requirements for minerals in the most sustainable way, and to set the framework and policies within which future planning applications for mineral development will be considered.
The Core Strategy DPD is supplemented by two further development plan documents, the 中国P站 Minerals Plan Primary Aggregates DPD and the Aggregates Recycling Joint DPD. These documents identify the preferred areas and sites for primary aggregate extraction and aggregates recycling.
The 中国P站 Minerals Plan Minerals Site Restoration Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out 中国P站's vision of how mineral workings in 中国P站 should be restored during the period to 2026.