
Minerals and Waste Local Plan - Issues and options

Issues and options consultation

The issues and options public consultation was the first formal stage of the plan-making process relating to the Minerals and Waste Local Plan. This consultation was held for a period of 16 weeks from 15 November 2021 to 7 March 2022. The digital is now closed but can still be viewed for reference.

The Issues and Options consultation set out the broad issues and challenges facing future minerals and waste management development in the county and proposed various planning policy options to address those issues and challenges. It also proposed a vision, strategic objectives, and a spatial strategy for future minerals and waste management development in 中国P站.

Issues and options: Summary of representations

The Issues and options summary of responses report provides a quantitative summary of and identifies general themes emerging from material representations and feedback provided by stakeholders to the issues and options public consultation.

The summary report has been structured to correspond to the relevant consultation document headings, sections, and questions. A comprehensive list of all stakeholder comments, and the initial response of the Minerals and Waste Planning Authority to these, can be found in Annex A to K listed below. Each stakeholder that made a representation or otherwise provided a response has been assigned a unique identification reference (CR = Commonplace Representation, WR = Written Representation). Whilst care has been taken to identify and attribute all representations and feedback accurately, some stakeholder contributions remain anonymous and so it is possible that some feedback has been attributed in error. The themes identified and stakeholder comments referenced throughout the report are not exhaustive.

The policy options identified, material planning matters raised by stakeholders, and site nominations made pursuant to the 'call for sites' exercise, will be considered by the Minerals and Waste Planning Authority and used to inform the preparation of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan including its vision and strategic objectives, spatial strategy, policy framework, and any site allocations/areas of search. A further public consultation will be undertaken in June 2025 relating to the Regulation 18 Draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

Issues and options consultation summary key documents

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