
Redeployment frequently asked questions

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What support am I entitled to?

Depending on your circumstances you could be entitled to some or all of the following; priority during recruitment, CV & Interview Skills course, Workplace Options, exclusive jobs portal, coaching or job screening. For further details, please see the Employee resources redeployment pages, which show you what you are entitled to specific to your circumstances.

Should I complete a leaver form for someone in my team who is being redeployed?

A leaver form should only be completed if it is confirmed that the individual will be leaving SCC. A leaver form should not be competed in instances where the individual has been redeployed to a new role within the council.

How much time can be used for job searching, preparation and applications, interviews and so on?

Reasonable time during work can be used as well as personal time. What is reasonable should be agreed with your manager to ensure the needs of the team are still met.

What is RERR and what is its role?

RERR is the Redundancy and Early Retirement Review Group. It has been set up to consider cases of early retirement or redundancy and will ensure a fair process is applied and that all recruitment options have been explored during a restructure.

Who can I go to for support?

There are a number of people or teams available to support you, including Workplace Options (previously Employee Assistance Programme), your line manager, a Trade Union representative, the My HR Helpdesk or the HR Advisory Team.

How can I improve my interview success?

It is recommended that you attend Developing Your Interview Skills course, which is followed by 1:1 sessions with an external coach. Additionally you should see the interview guidance available on the redeployment pages of the SCC website, you should request feedback from recent interviews, and perhaps carry out a mock interview with a colleague. There is also interview advice available from the National Careers Service.

What coaching support can I receive?

There are a number of options available: Workplace Options, National Careers Service, Penna (for SP14+), Morley Lloyd (for SP13 and below, plus medical redeployees). Some of these are available only when you are under notice of redundancy so for further details on accessing these coaching options please see the relevant redeployment page for your circumstances.

What should I do if the Developing Your Interview Skills course is fully booked or not available at a time I need it?

You should book a place on the waiting list for the course via the MyLearning section of your portal. Additional sessions can then be arranged.

Can I access the redeployment pages and exclusive jobs portal outside work?

Yes you can, the redeployment pages and jobs portal can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection.

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