We all have a circle of personal and work contacts, and engaging with them is a natural process that you probably never think about. By adding the skills of networking to your job searching tool kit you will be able to tap into the 'hidden' job market, that goes unadvertised to the wider community.
Why networking?
Networking can give you access to unadvertised job roles, industry focused websites, publications, and recruitment material that you may not already know about. It can help you to find out more about a job role you have applied for, the type of person the business is looking for, or if you are looking to change careers it can enable you to find out if it is for you. Most importantly it is a career long activity as it will help you to develop long term professional relationships which could lead to business and work related invitations in the future.
Who should you network with?
- Family, friends, neighbours, and their contacts.
- Work colleagues, and their contacts.
- Support colleagues and their contacts.
- Former work colleagues.
- Members of the church, voluntary groups, the sports club, professional associations or groups.
- Networking groups through , or run in careers events.
Those who you have applied to work for.
It can be daunting using networking formally, so use it informally at first, people like to discuss their work, their hobbies, and what they do, just show an interest in what they are doing. Work on developing your network, gaining contacts, and once you have identified a contact who could give you more of an insight into a job opportunity or business ask to make a formal appointment with either them or with a contact of theirs.
Why use Linkedin to job search?
is now a seen as a key online professional networking tool that is also being used extensively by recruitment agencies and companies to often headhunt people. It can quickly extend your network of contacts when you start to 'link in' with other people who have similar interests, are in the same industry you work in, or are in the industry you are looking to work in.
Everyone creates and maintains an up to date profile, which is similar to an online CV, therefore it is quick and easy to upload your information once you are keeping your CV regularly up to date. You can then allow people to search on your details, in this way people can find you, and you can find them.
It aids you with networking, because any contacts that you have made always have your up to date details when you ask them to link in with you.
You are also able to set up collaborative working with your contacts, or interact with experts, which can help you research company details, and learn about opportunities that may be coming up.
Fast becoming a way of establishing a professional reputation, it can connect you to job opportunities that are advertised through it, leads, and ideal companies to work for.
A networking meeting
- Be clear on the objective, this is simply about asking for some information or advice, this is not a request for a job.
- Ensure that any appointment you make is fully prepared for with questions well thought through.
- Consider asking for contact names of those who are carrying out recruitment, or the agencies their company use to recruit.
- More contacts who can help you gain more industry insight.
- An introduction or referral.
- Feedback on your CV.
- Ask for guidance in gaining a job role in that industry.
Files available to download
Developing my network guide (MS Word)
A guide to developing your networking skills to help with your job search -
Network approach example letter (MS Word)
An example of a letter to approach someone in your network to assist with your job search