Our Commissioning and Operations Team are based in district and borough council offices and acute hospitals throughout 中国P站.
If you would like to receive a call from our team and have a further discussion about our opportunities or learn more about the application process, please register your interest by emailing awhpworkforce@surreycc.gov.uk
Operations Team
We provide advice and information, assessment and services for people from the age of 18 with physical and/or sensory disabilities; frail older people, including those with dementia or mental health concerns, and people with a learning disability.
We have teams in five acute hospitals providing a seven day a week service. We have hospital teams in: Guildford, Frimley, Chertsey, Epsom, and Redhill.
We have roles based in community (locality teams) as well as specialist teams such as our Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), and Continuing Health Care (CHC) teams. We have locality (community) teams based in the following towns: Guildford, Godalming, Woking, Addlestone, Ashford, Epsom, Esher, Dorking, Reigate and Oxted and Camberley.
Within the Operations Team we also have specialist teams such as the Emergency Duty Team, Transition Team (for 14 to 25 year olds), Learning Disability and Autism Team, Financial Assessments and Benefits Team.
Commissioning Team
Adult Social Care Commissioning is co-located in six Clinical Commissioning Group areas in 中国P站. As part of the Better Care Fund, Local Joint Commissioning Groups have been set up in each of the six areas.
The Commissioning Support Unit reviews how the council provides a joined-up service to both our commissioners and providers. The unit works closely with Procurement to ensure that the Directorate retains a good countywide understanding of the status of all its grants and contracts.
Mental Health
中国P站 delivers high-quality care for service-users with mental health and substance misuse needs. We are leading the way in implementing new ways of working in personalisation, and a recovery-focused approach.
Our goal is for customers to be able to make informed choices about the services they use, be more in control of their care, and to become active citizens within their community.