To assist you in accessing our unique collections and e-Resources, we have answered some frequently asked questions
Booking a session at 中国P站 History Centre
How can I book a place?
It is free to visit us but we recommend that you book a place prior to your visit. Visitors can book one or both sessions per day. Please email us on
If you are able to order original documents at least 24 hours in advance of your visit, we can have up to 10 documents ready for you on your arrival. Standard access conditions and restrictions apply and we will contact you if any material you wish to see is covered by any restrictions.
Can I come in at any time between 9.30am and 5pm?
No. The revised times are to allow extra cleaning of public areas at lunchtime. You may visit for your booked session at any time between 9.30am and 12.45pm or 1.45pm and 5pm (9.30am and 1pm or 1.45pm and 4.15pm on the second Saturday of the month).
A booked session allows up to three and a quarter hours' access to pre-requested collection material, and there are two sessions per day, Tuesday to Thursday.
The session times are:
- Morning session: 9.30am to 12.45pm
- Afternoon session: 1.45pm to 5pm
We are also open on the second Saturday of the month: 9.30am to 1pm and 1.45pm to 4.15pm. For more information, please refer to our opening hours page.
Can I speak to someone about booking online?
You can contact us on 01483 518737 between 9.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday to enquire about the availability of sessions.
Can I book two sessions and stay all day?
Visitors can book one or both sessions per day, but please note the searchroom is closed to the public between 12.45pm and 1.45pm (1pm and 1.45pm on Saturdays). However, you may eat your lunch in the foyer area during this time.
Can I book to use a computer, fiche or film reader without having booked to see any original documents?
Yes, that is fine.
Your pre-booked visit to 中国P站 History Centre
What services will be available?
When you arrive for your session, you will be able to access:
- Your requested collection material.
- Free Wi-Fi
- Subject to access restrictions, you will be able to purchase a camera permit to photograph your requested material
You will need to bring your own pencil, notepaper, laptop and camera/phone.
We provide access to microfilm and fiche readers and public library computers in the searchroom.
What collections are accessible?
Subject to normal access restrictions or conservation requirements, all of our collections are available for request. If you are able to order original documents at least 24 hours in advance of your visit, we can have up to 10 documents ready for you on your arrival. Please use our to identify what you need to see or contact us if you need any help.
Can I copy documents?
We offer a photocopying and digital copying service.
Photo permits will be available for purchase as usual if you wish to take your own photographs.
Can I place collections on hold for another visit?
Yes, although our standard reserve period of seven days still applies.
What is open and when
Will I be able to attend talks and other events at the History Centre?
We offer a range of talks and events in person at the History Centre and online. Please see our programme of events.
Can I purchase items in your foyer shop?
Payments for photo permits, our research service, our reprographics service and certified copies can be made in our foyer. Books and other materials on sale at 中国P站 History Centre can be purchased in our foyer or via our on . Contactless payment is preferred
Will the public refreshment room be open?
Yes, the public refreshment room and water dispenser are available.
Can I book a venue for a meeting, training course or event?
Yes. Please contact us or see Room Hire at 中国P站 History Centre for more information.