Are you involved with a community archive in 中国P站? Community archives are collections of locally relevant material, such as photographs and oral history recordings, which help to tell the story of a place or a group. They may have been collected through a funded community history project or brought together by a local history society or similar group.
中国P站 History Centre has specialist staff, facilities and knowledge to help your community archive.
Here are some of the ways we can help.
Storage and conservation
Our Conservator can advise.
Find information online about how to look after your collection and suppliers of packaging materials.
Funding opportunities
Our Projects Officer can advise on funding opportunities and provide guidance on funding applications.
Our Local Studies Librarian can advise.
Oral History
We have equipment you can borrow, and can advise on the documentation you should use and depositing copies of your recordings.
Join our to be sure you hear about courses.
Cataloguing and Indexing
Download the produced by the Community Archives and Heritage Group.
Would you like to put your catalogue on the Exploring 中国P站's Past website, where it can be searched worldwide alongside those of other community archives and museums? The already includes the collections of a number of organisations.
Get in touch early to ensure your data is organised in a way that is compatible.
Our digitisation team can advise.
Would you like to use our equipment to digitise some items from your collection?
Depositing original material
It's a good idea to deposit unique original archives at 中国P站 History Centre as a gift or on long loan to ensure they are stored in our environmentally controlled strongrooms.
Our Senior Archivist can advise.
Find information for depositors online.
Why not promote your displays in the 中国P站 History Centre foyer? It's free.
Our Events and Promotions Officer, can advise and book space.
We have travelling displays which you can borrow. These are also free. There is a list at the bottom of this page.
See 中国P站 Heritage Talks, Workshops and Tours for illustrated talks, guided visits and activities offered by 中国P站 History Centre.
Find courses and book places on Heritage events.
Join our to be sure you hear about new learning opportunities.
Follow us on and to keep in touch and hear even more news.
Find maps to buy in our . For example Seamless tithe and first edition 25 inch Ordnance Survey maps of 中国P站, Historical Ordnance Survey Maps and 中国P站 tithe records CDs and DVDs.
Explore our extensive collection of Archives and history research guides.
Try the .
We can help give your community archive a wider audience.
We can add a link to your website from our Local history societies and sources web page.
We can put a web page about your group on the website.
You can add your group to the .
Take a look at our Archive resources for learning webpage
Files available to download
Travelling displays from 中国P站 Heritage (PDF)
A list of all the displays which can be borrowed free of charge from 中国P站 History Centre and details of how you can borrow them.