A framework for managing land has been constructed to allow the Council to agree a set of principles and policies, to make evidence-based decisions, manage risks and realise opportunities.
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Find out more about our Land Management Framework
Why do we need to consider our approach to land management?
中国P站 is well known for its green and leafy landscape. For many, it is what makes 中国P站 such an attractive place to live, work and play. It's countryside and water bodies provide a range of opportunities and benefits such as recreation and wellbeing; livelihoods and food; wildlife and environmental processes; an aesthetic landscape and raw materials; and community cohesion.
However, 中国P站's natural environment is facing unprecedented challenges due to climate change, biodiversity loss and increasing demands upon its use. As a significant owner and manager of land, the Council has a duty to ensure that its land is used appropriately to support delivery of our roles and corporate outcomes. Through effective management it will be more resistant to climate change and environmental pressures.
What is our role?
We own or manage around 2% of the land in 中国P站. We are committed to managing our land in a way that maximises its ecological, educational, social and economic value. By using the land management framework, principles and policies, we will make good decisions on land use, in line with our duties to have regard for areas designated for nature and landscape and to provide leadership on areas for local biodiversity improvement. In leading by example, we will strive to aspire other landowners and stakeholders to adopt and deliver similar approaches to how they manage their land.
Land management vision
"By 2050, 中国P站's land-based estate will be thriving. The Council's ambition is to act more dynamically to ensure the future sustainability of our land-based assets, both financial and environmental, through embedding nature-based solutions, community action and new technology into our land management and decision-making. Our land will be more resilient to economic and environmental shocks and climate change, support growing biodiversity and have strong local community engagement and ownership. The Land Management Policy is a decision-making tool which will guide us in determining the best use of land in the right locations".
Land management principles and policies
Three Land Management Principles and ten guiding Land Management Policies are set out below. Together, they consider all outcomes from possible land uses which support the 中国P站 Way, and ensure no one is left behind in decision making. Developed in conjunction with departments from across the Council, they enable consideration of service delivery and positive outcomes for 中国P站 residents whilst ensuring land is managed sustainably for nature and for future generations to enjoy.
Our principles for land management
- Harnessing the natural environment to deliver wider outcomes: We recognise the wider value of the land we own and will maximise the services its natural capital can provide for all.
- Leading by Example: We will become an exemplar landowner by positively managing and using our land to achieve the best outcomes for 中国P站's residents, businesses and environment.
- Responsible and Effective Management: We are committed to putting in place management practices and monitoring that ensure the delivery of the principles and policies of the Land Management Framework.
Our policies for land management
Protecting nature
We will enhance biodiversity by protecting natural habitats and creating connections between them.
Biodiversity is essential for maintaining a healthy natural environment and we will support a range of projects to protect and enhance biodiversity.
- Goal: To protect and enhance biodiversity, increase habitat quality and connectivity for wildlife.
- Actions: Implement projects that support nature's recovery, such as creating wildlife corridors and restoring degraded habitats.
- Outcomes: Improved habitats and increased species diversity, contributing to healthier ecosystems.
Health and wellbeing
Open spaces will be accessible to all, promoting physical and mental health.
We will promote access to green spaces by improving countryside sites, Public Rights of Way and recreational areas. We will work with partners and stakeholders to improve access for all, offering volunteering opportunities and initiatives such as 'green prescribing', where residents are encouraged to spend time in nature to improve their health and wellbeing.
- Goal: To promote access to nature for physical and mental health benefits.
- Actions: Develop and maintain green spaces, encourage outdoor activities, and support initiatives such as volunteering and green prescribing.
- Outcomes: Enhanced community health with better access to nature and recreational opportunities.
Education and employment
We will use our land to provide learning opportunities and to support local employment.
Creating education, training and employment opportunities are key elements of our approach to sustainable land management Our land includes many buildings which could be suitable for small businesses, studios or workshops to help diversify the rural economy.
- Goal: To develop opportunities for learning, training and jobs related to the environment.
- Actions: Support outdoor learning, create green job opportunities, and promote environmental education in schools and communities.
- Outcomes: Increased educational, training and employment opportunities, leading to a growing, skilled workforce in environmental sectors.
Income generation
We will explore ways to generate suitable income streams from our land, including farming and other rural businesses.
Sustainable income generation is an important element of our approach to the long-term viability of land management.
- Goal: Support sustainable income through farm diversification and other means.
- Actions: Support local food production and develop new income streams and renewable energy projects.
- Outcomes: Sustainable income sources that support local economies and enhance the viability of rural areas.
Sustainable farming
We support farming practices that improve soil health, produce local food, and contribute to the environment.
We will promote sustainable farming activities such as diverse crop rotations, minimising the use of pesticides, and protecting the soil. These practices are often referred to as regenerative principles. These can contribute to improving the soil and enhancing the economic and environmental resilience of farming and the countryside.
- Goal: Implement practices that improve soil health and support local food production.
- Actions: Promote sustainable farming techniques, enhance soil quality, and support sustainable/regenerative agriculture that increases biodiversity and climate resilience.
- Outcomes: Healthier soils, agriculture balanced with nature, and enhanced ecosystem services.
Circular economy
Our approach to land management will include sustainable practices that reduce waste and promote recycling.
We will promote the use of reduce waste, and support the circular economy to include recycling programmes, composting, and using sustainable materials in construction and maintenance.
- Goal: To embed sustainability and circular economy principles in land management.
- Actions: Reduce waste, promote recycling, and use resources sustainably. Encourage the use of renewable energy and sustainable materials in all projects.
- Outcomes: Reduced environmental footprint and more efficient use of resources, contributing to long-term sustainability.
Build resilience
We will build resilience to climate change impacts, invasive species, and diseases.
Climate resilience is essential for protecting the environment and communities from the impacts of climate change. We will implement projects that enhance the resilience of natural systems, such as planting climate-resilient species and restoring wetlands to absorb floodwaters.
- Goal: To build resilience to climate change impacts like droughts, floods, fires, invasive species, and diseases.
- Actions: Implement climate adaptation projects, monitor and manage invasive species, and enhance nature's resilience through diverse planting and habitat management.
- Outcomes: Increased resilience to climate change, protecting the natural environment and humans from adverse impacts.
Water management.
We will prioritise land management activities which improve water quality and reduce the risk of floods and droughts.
We will use nature-based solutions such as wetland creation, river restoration and sustainable drainage to manage flood risk and improve water quality. We will work closely with partners to improve natural water storage and reduce water consumption.
- Goal: To use nature-based solutions to improve water quality and manage flood risks.
- Actions: Develop natural flood management projects, improve local stormwater storage, and enhance water quality through sustainable drainage systems and wetland restoration.
- Outcomes: Better water quality, reduced flood risks, and improved resilience to droughts.
Net zero carbon
We support activities that contribute to achieving net-zero carbon emissions.
We will implement projects that can reduce or capture carbon emissions, such as tree planting, improving soil management, increasing energy-efficiency and renewable energy generation.
- Goal: To support activities that contribute to net-zero carbon emissions.
- Actions: Implement projects which sequester carbon, promote renewable energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable land management practices.
- Outcomes: Progress towards lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global climate goals and improved environmental management.
Community engagement
We will create opportunities for the community to engage with and volunteer in the natural environment.
We will support community projects and encourage volunteering to foster a sense of ownership and stewardship of natural areas and work to promote inclusive access to nature for all.
- Goal: To foster community inclusion, volunteering, and engagement with nature.
- Actions: Support community projects, encourage volunteering, and ensure inclusive public access to green spaces.
- Outcomes: Stronger communities, increased volunteering, greater public appreciation and awareness of local nature.