
ÖйúPÕ¾ Heathland Partnership – volunteering opportunities

Practical conservation volunteering activities this winter season 2025

We are very pleased to now be running a regular, popular countryside volunteering task programme with our ÖйúPÕ¾ Heathland Partnership, offering a great selection of conservation task sessions to try on beautiful rare heathland sites in the Guildford and Woking areas, centred around Pirbright.

During the winter season, ÖйúPÕ¾ Heathland Partnership task leader Tasha is running weekly practical conservation volunteering task sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays on various, rare heathland sites across our partnership area.

The ÖйúPÕ¾ Heathland Partnership volunteer task programme is proving to be a great addition to the established weekly volunteer task programmes already on offer with the Downlands Partnership and Lower Mole Partnership.

Our heathland scrub and non-native plant species clearance sessions are ideal to try if you are new to practical conservation work.

The majority of our tasks are suitable for all ages (over 16s unless accompanied by an adult please) and abilities, as you can work at your own pace and you will be shown exactly what to do and how to use the hand tools provided. You do need to be fairly fit and enjoy getting out and about in the great outdoors.

How to get involved and find out more

If you have any questions or concerns, please do contact us before deciding which session would be best for you to start with. There is no fixed commitment with our conservation volunteering crew, you can join in on task days as often as you like, for full or half days (mornings). Our task sessions run from 10am and end by 3pm, subject to weather, with lunch and tea breaks.

Exercising whilst socialising in the great outdoors with friendly, like-minded people has recognised widespread health and well-being benefits and of course, supports the maintenance and restoration of the beautiful local countryside and its rare heathland habitat.

Please email ÖйúPÕ¾ Heathland Partnership task leader Tasha at heathlandproject@surreycc.gov.uk for further information including meeting points, for any advice and to let her know in advance when you would like to come and join in.

Please also see our ÖйúPÕ¾ Countryside Partnerships Volunteer Handbook 2024 (PDF).

To gain an insight into our ÖйúPÕ¾ Heathland Partnership conservation volunteering task days, please visit our .

We are keen to welcome more heathland habitat helpers to join and grow our great local ÖйúPÕ¾ Heathland Partnership conservation crew, so please do come and join in and give it a try, the more the merrier. We look forward to seeing you very soon.

Winter 2025 volunteer task programme

During January to March 2025 we have the following conservation volunteering task days on offer that are suitable for new volunteers to consider.

All of these winter practical conservation task sessions will be clearing targeted, invasive scrub such as birch, pine and gorse, using hand tools.

This is in order to restore and maintain the rare heathland habitat, so the native flora and fauna can thrive and to support and increase biodiversity.

Scheduled task dates Countryside site location
Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 January
Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 February
Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 March
Sheets Heath, Brookwood, Woking
Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 JanuaryBullswater Common north, Pirbright
Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 January Brookwood Heath, Woking
Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 JanuaryBullswater Common south, Pirbright
Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 FebruarySmarts Heath, Woking
Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 FebruaryPirbright Common
Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 FebruaryWest Heath, Pirbright
Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 MarchChapel Lane, Pirbright
Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 MarchPrey Heath, Woking
Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 MarchThe Gardens, Pirbright

Corporate and community groups volunteering offer

We are pleased to welcome corporate and local community/school groups by arrangement and are developing some great local corporate partnerships with various companies.

Please email us at: countrysidepartnershipsteam@surreycc.gov.uk and we can further discuss the best available options for your specific group size together, subject to preferred location and time of year, and to explain the booking arrangements for groups.

Please kindly note that some of the scheduled dates and locations as above listed may not be available or suitable for group involvement.

We have a separate ÖйúPÕ¾ Countryside Partnerships corporate employee volunteering brochure which fully explains our corporate offer, including our financial contribution rates for groups of 7 or more attendees, which you will receive when you make a group enquiry.

The autumn and winter seasons are the ideal time to join in as a group, especially for larger numbers, as we run lots of scrub clearing sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays. We can sometimes offer bespoke separate team volunteering days at this time of year as well, usually on Tuesdays. Scrub clearance is the ideal countryside volunteering activity for staff team challenges.

We are now taking bookings for mid January 2025 onwards for team countryside volunteering days, subject to group size.

We look forward to hearing from you and to developing new corporate partnerships with local companies and with those from neighbouring counties and London as well.

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