
Nature in Your Neighbourhood - A guide to Improving Wildlife on Your Doorstep

Are you part of a Parish Council or Community Group that looks after, or is responsible for areas of green space? If the green spaces are important for wildlife, or have the potential to be important for wildlife, then the 'Nature in Your Neighbourhood: a Guide to Improving Wildlife on Your Doorstep' booklet can give you advice about how to look after these areas.

The booklet was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund as part of the 'Wildlife on Your Doorstep' Project. It gives basic advice on how to look after habitats such as:

  • Grassland / Meadows
  • Scrub
  • Woodland
  • Ponds
  • Hedgerows / hedges
  • Verges

It also gives a list of contacts at the end, which can help by providing more detailed advice.

Contact our Contact Centre phone 03456 009 009 to obtain copies.

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