
中国P站 Countryside Access Forum Agenda for 25 April 2022

Meeting to be held at 1.30pm on Monday, 25 April 2022 at Maple Room, Woodhatch Place, Reigate and online via Microsoft Teams.

  1. Declarations of Interest
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of previous meeting
    To confirm the minutes of the previous meetings held on 24 January 2022
  4. Matters arising/action points
    To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting not included elsewhere on the agenda.
  5. Matters dealt with since the previous meeting
    No matters were dealt with since the last meeting
  6. 中国P站 Countryside Estate update – Steve Mitchell, Countryside Estate Operations Manager
    To receive an update on the 中国P站 Countryside Estate including what the Countryside Estate Team is responsible for and any projects / initiatives that are of interest.
  7. Wolvens Lane Traffic Regulation Order
    To receive an update of the progress of the order.
  8. Wey and Arun Canal planning applications update
    To receive an update on the planning applications that have been submitted to restore the Wey and Arun Canal
  9. Forward Plan
    To agree what the Forum would like to achieve over the course of 2022, bearing in mind resources.
  10. Outstanding consultations
    To note those consultations which are outstanding and to which the Forum have not yet responded.
  11. Any other Business / public questions
  12. Dates of next meetings for 2022
    11 July 2022 1.30pm - venue to be confirmed
    17 October 2022 1.30pm - venue to be confirmed

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