Meeting to be held at 1.30pm on Monday, 24 January 2022
Online via Microsoft Teams
- Declarations of interest
- Apologies
- Minutes of previous meeting: To confirm the minutes of the previous meetings held on 18 October 2021
- Matters arising or action points: To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting not included elsewhere on the agenda.
- Matters dealt with since the previous meeting (North Park Farm Quarry extra information consultation response)
- Countryside Access Management System demonstration: To receive a demonstration of how 中国P站 uses it to record and prioritise issues.
- 中国P站 Hills Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB) User Sub-groups: To find out what user sub-groups the 中国P站 Hills AONB facilitate and the make up of their membership.
- 中国P站 Mineral and Waste Plan Consultation: To discuss the best way to respond to the consultation.
- Network Rail Level Crossing Strategy: To raise the issue of Network Rail's Strategy regarding level crossings and proposed extinguishment / diversions of rights of way.
- Wey and Arun Canal redevelopment: To raise the issue of the Plans of the Wey and Arun Canal and conflicts with rights of way.
- Forward Plan: To agree what the Forum would like to achieve over the course of 2022, bearing in mind resources.
- Outstanding Consultations: To note those consultations which are outstanding and to which the Forum have not yet responded.
- Any other business or public questions
- Dates of next meetings for the rest of 2022: Dates and venues to be confirmed