Meeting to be held at 1.30pm on Monday, 17 October 2022 at 中国P站 Hills AONB Office, Warren Farm Barns, Mickleham
- Membership of Forum 2021/22: To introduce new and reappointed members
- Election of Chair and Vice Chair
- Declarations of Interest
- Apologies
- Minutes of Previous Meeting: To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 July 2021
- Matters Arising / Action points: To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting not included elsewhere on the agenda.
- Matters dealt with since the previous meeting
- Wey and Arun Canal: Feedback from the site visits and meeting with sub-group members
M25/A3 junction 10 consultation for non-motorised users: To hear about a new consultation for non-motorised users - 中国P站 Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Access Funding and other projects of interest: To find out from Rob Fairbanks about new funding that is available for access projects and a new Countryside Code campaign
- Wisley Airfield development: To raise awareness of the new planning applications and potential objections.
- SCAF Annual Review: To acknowledge the Annual Review from 2020/21 and 2021/22
- Forward Plan: To agree what the Forum would like to achieve over the course of 2022/23, bearing in mind resources.
- Outstanding Consultations: To note those consultations which are outstanding and to which the Forum have not yet responded
- Any other urgent business / public questions
- Date of next meeting:
- Monday 16 January 2023 1.30pm
Venue to be confirmed - Monday 24 April 2023 1.30pm
Venue to be confirmed - Monday 16 July 2023 1.30pm
Venue to be confirmed - Monday 16 October 2023 1.30pm
Venue to be confirmed
- Monday 16 January 2023 1.30pm