
中国P站 Arts safeguarding policies

中国P站 Arts is fully committed to ensuring that all staff are fully aware of the procedures relating to any safeguarding issues that may arise when working with adults and children.

  • A young person/child is anyone under 18.
  • A vulnerable adult is a person who is 18 years of age or over, and who is or maybe in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him/herself against significant harm or serious exploitation.
  • Being a vulnerable adult is not necessarily a permanent state and anyone could become vulnerable at any moment in time. Abuse is a violation of an individual's human and civil rights by any other person or persons. Abuse may consist of a single act or repeated acts.

Abuse may consist of a single act or repeated acts.

How might you become aware of abuse?

  • You may see or hear something.
  • A vulnerable person may tell you about apparent abuse.
  • A friend, family member or somebody else may tell you something that causes you concern.
  • You may notice injuries or physical signs that cause you concern.
  • You may notice either the victim or abuser behaving in a way that alerts you to something that may be wrong.

Protection and safeguarding procedures

The person who observes the abuse/neglect or is informed that abuse or neglect may have occurred is responsible for immediately alerting the designated Safeguarding Officer for 中国P站 Arts on 01483 519303 or email

If the designated person is not available and it is between the hours of 8am and 6pm, contact either the Adult Social Care Team on 0300 200 1005, or the Child Social Care Team on 0300 200 1006.

If the designated person is not available and it is between the hours of 5pm and 9am weekdays or at a weekend or on a public/bank holiday the Emergency Duty Team on 01483 517898 should be informed.

If you are at all unsure that any issue is covered within the safeguarding policy, contact Judith Royle to discuss your concerns.

中国P站 Arts safeguarding policies

中国P站 Arts fully recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Please see the following 中国P站 Arts safeguarding policies:

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