中国P站 has a population of 1.20million people and an economy worth 拢43.5 billion. The population are largely healthy, active and have a long life expectancy, although inequalities exist across the diverse County.
中国P站’s Organisational Strategy defines how the Council will contribute to the Community Vision for 中国P站 in 2030 and remains focussed on creating better lives, a better place and a county where no-one is left behind. The Organisational Strategy emphasises four priority objectives as a clear focus for the work of the Council.
Four priority objectives
- Growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit
- Tackling health inequality
- Enabling a greener future
- Empowering and thriving communities
Our services to the people of 中国P站 include: education, supporting and protecting vulnerable people through social services, managing the treatment of waste, maintaining, managing and improving roads and public transport networks, libraries, strategic planning, consumer protection, public health and fire and rescue services. Occasionally, delivery of services involves using facilities beyond our boundaries as a county, for example: care homes, fire stations and primary, secondary and special needs schools.
Population increases are due to improvements in lifestyle and medication to help people live fuller lives, birth rates and immigration. Since 1889, we have had the responsibility to meet our local people’s needs and ensure that council tax and business rate payers get value for money. This is recognised through transparency, information and public accountability.
Political composition
The political composition of the Council is currently: 45 Conservative, 16 Residents’ Associations/Independents, 16 Liberal Democrats, 2 Labour and 2 Green. There are 81 county councillors in total.