
Terms and conditions for Small Community Projects

Your Fund 中国P站 Small Community Projects funding is provided by 中国P站, in accordance with the certain funding criteria. By applying to us for Funding, you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions detailed below, in full. These are the terms and conditions that will apply if your application is successful.

In these terms 'you', 'your' or 'yours' means the applicant organisation. 'Us', 'ours', 'our' and 'we' means 中国P站. 'Funding' means the funding payable to you if your application is successful. "Project" and "purchase" means the project and purchase detailed in your application.

Our priorities

1. Your purchase or project will assist us in achieving one or more of the following aims of 中国P站's Community Vision 2030:

1.1 Children and young people feel safe and confident
1.2 Everyone benefits from education, skills and employment opportunities
1.3 Everyone lives healthy, active and fulfilling lives
1.4 Everyone gets the health and social care support they need
1.5 Communities are welcoming and supportive
1.6 Residents live in clean, safe and green communities
1.7 Journeys across the county are easier and safer
1.8 Everyone has a place they can call home
1.9 Businesses in 中国P站 thrive
1.10 Communities are well connected and grow sustainably

2. Your project will support the work of local community groups and/or communities.

3. Your application will clearly demonstrate how it directly benefits the local community. Your application must be accurate and truthful. If you are a local authority, statutory body, charitable club or membership organisation, you must clearly demonstrate the wider community benefit of your project

4. Your application supports our Equalities and Diversity policy.


5. You will discuss your purchase or project and obtain the support of your local councillor, prior to submitting your application to us.

6. You will demonstrate how your project provides value for money in the use of public funds, and your application will include a quotation, an estimate or full breakdown of your purchase or project costs.

7. If you are applying for more than 拢25,000, you will supply with your application at least three competitive, independent quotes related to the goods and services you intend to purchase unless your purchase is a call off from a framework agreement that has been publicly procured.

8. Your application must state the following:

8.1 Whether you are in receipt of other funds from or have any outstanding applications to us for other grants or funding

8.3 Whether your organisation is already under contract to us following a tendering process

9. Your application will not include VAT where this is recoverable.

12. You will use the Funding solely only for the purposes specified in your application. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a breach and if you breach this term you must pay an amount equal to the Funding you received in full. Should minor variations (e.g. changes to specified costings or timescales) be required however, you must inform us in writing to seek prior written approval to the proposed changes which we will consider in consultation (if we think that is necessary) with the local councillor.

13. You will provide evidence that your project has commenced within 6 months of the Funding payment date. If the project has not commenced, you will inform the us in writing. We may ask you to repay the Funding which you must do so within 28 days of our request. Funding on purchases must be spent within 6 months of the payment date or be returned to us.

14. You confirm that your organisation has a linked bank account, and your organisation's bank account details have been provided on the Your Fund 中国P站 - Small Community Projects application form. You acknowledge that if your organisation has previously registered with us as a vendor, we will make payment to the bank account details held on our payment system unless you specifically request otherwise.

16. You will assume full responsibility for obtaining all permissions, including licences, planning permission and insurance required for your project.

17. You will assume full responsibility for any ongoing and future running costs or maintenance associated with the purchase or project.


18. You will acknowledge 中国P站 when referencing or publicising your, purchase or project. Plaques will be provided to all successful projects to publicise the Funding and highlight that the project has been supported by us. You agree to place the plaques in prominent locations and to seek the necessary permission for the placing of a plaque. If we ask you to remove the plaque you agree to do so within 2 days of such request and if you fail to you hereby give us permission to remove the plaque from your premises.

19. You will submit evidence of the expenditure (receipts, invoices) and to show the successful completion of the project (electronic photographs, press releases, awards) within 6 months of the receipt of the Funding.

20. By providing photographic evidence, you hereby give us permission to use the images on its website and other media platforms, including social and digital, and that all permissions have been granted to enable such use.

21. You must not sell or give away the items purchased with the Funding for a period of 5 years beginning on the date that you purchased the items, unless otherwise agreed by us in writing.

22. We may ask for further information about how the grant funded equipment is being used, maintained, or insured which you agree to provide within 7 days of our request. A councillor may wish to visit your project/premises to learn about the project and to see how the community has benefitted from the Funding which you will facilitate in a safe manner.

Specific exclusions and restrictions

23. By signing these terms and conditions you are specifically warranting to us the following:

23.1 Your organisation is not a political organisation (i.e. is not registered with the )

23.2 Your application and the purchase or project will not:

23.2.1. contravene the County Council's policies and priorities
23.2.2. involve taking sides on a planning dispute
23.2.3. bring our reputation into disrepute
23.2.4. support organisations to directly campaign against us or any local statutory partner

23.3. You will not apply for funding to cover expenditure wholly or primarily incurred for core costs incurred by schools. Specific school and Early Years finance rules apply

23.4. Your organisation has an equality policy and a safeguarding policy which it follows.

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