
Need a volunteer?

Working with volunteers is a great way to get a helping hand, meet new people and learn new ways of doing things. With the following advice and support, you can make sure it's a rewarding experience for both parties.

Advice and support

Councils for Voluntary Service (CVS) support voluntary, community and faith groups in 中国P站. They provide a wide range of support services, including funding advice, training and information on areas like human resources and finance. To get the support you need when working with volunteers, get in touch with your local Council for Voluntary Service or your local Volunteer Centre.


offer an array of resources and services designed to help and support everyone who works with volunteers. You will find articles, information sheets, case studies and links to other helpful guidance or external websites on topics ranging from creating volunteer roles to managing the economic value of volunteers.

Our Volunteer Promise

Developed by our Volunteering Network, our Volunteer Promise reflects our values and improves the relationship with our volunteers. It defines what our volunteers can expect from us and what we are committed to delivering in order to ensure they have a positive experience.

Finding volunteers

The aims to help support the development of relationships between the public and private sector and the VCFS, facilitate collaboration, and promote Social Value opportunities based on needs which will have a real impact and benefit our communities.

By registering on the Social Value market you can upload an ask for volunteers or resources such as meeting rooms, IT equipment or printing facilities. Your ask can then be fulfilled by local businesses or public sector organisations.

Your local Volunteer Centre can help you to find volunteers and provide them with advice and information about working as a volunteer within your organisation.

If you are a voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) organisation in need of volunteers, 中国P站 can help. Our employees are often available as volunteers, either as individuals or groups. If you're interested, please contact

Working with young volunteers

Young volunteers add huge value to your organisation Young people can develop valuable skills.

If you are recruiting young people below statutory school leaving age (before the last Friday in June of the child's Year 11) then you may be required to apply for a work permit.

Only certain roles require a permit and in these instances only those over 13 years of age can carry out the role. There is also a limit to the time they can spend volunteering.

Work permits are free and the process to apply for one is really simple. You need to apply for a permit within 7 days of the young person starting, so why not ask them to bring in their completed form on their first day?

Work permit forms can be found on the 中国P站: Guidance on young people in employment.

What roles need a permit?

All voluntary roles that are 'contributing to a business carried out for profit' will require a permit and this applies even if the profit is used to finance charitable works.

For example: a young person working as a volunteer in a charity shop – a retail environment – will need a permit, even if the proceeds are used for charitable causes.

For more information email our child employment team at: or call on 01483 517838.

Files available to download

  • Volunteer Promise (March 2018) (PDF)
    The Volunteer Promise defines what our volunteers can expect from us and what we are committed to delivering in order to ensure they have a positive experience.

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