
Year 5 fire safety school visits

This safety session follows the story of an imaginary house fire with activities to deliver key fire safety messages and enable the children to learn more about what happened and how it could have been prevented.

Children will:

  • Learn when to call 999.
  • Identify key fire hazards at home.
  • Learn about the importance of working smoke alarms.
  • Understand how to make a Fire Escape Plan.
  • Learn how to Stop, Drop and Roll.

Using a series of short film clips we illustrate the key learning points of detecting, preventing and escaping a fire. The clips start at the end of the story and work backwards from there to show how everyone in the house escaped unhurt.

Our interactive and engaging session builds on the learning outcomes from our Year 2 fire safety session but can also be delivered as a stand-alone session.

All our sessions can be adapted to meet the needs of children and young people with additional needs.

For more information and a detailed lesson plan, email our Education Officers at

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