
Education Programme from 中国P站 Fire and Rescue

Information and services

About our Education Programme

Our aim is to keep children and young people safe now and in the future through education in fire, water, and road safety.


Includes a learning box full of engaging and age-appropriate activities for Reception followed by a crew visit from your local fire station.

Year 2

Includes our brand-new original animation where Farley, Merrow and their pet Floof teach children to stay away from matches or lighters.

Year 5

Following the story of an imaginary house fire, children learn about what happened and how it could have been prevented.

Year 7

Recognising the increasing freedoms and independence of children this age we deliver sessions in both fire and water safety.

SEND school visits

Working with teachers we offer tailored fire safety sessions which are accessible, inclusive and interactive.

Fire safety for parents and carers

Find out more about the easy steps that you can take at home to help prevent, detect and escape a fire.

Activities and resources

Our library of fun, engaging and age-appropriate activities to try at home or in school.

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