Over 300,000 homes in 中国P站 have poor energy performance, meaning that families and residents live in homes which are poorly insulated, expensive to run, and liable to damp or mould due to poor internal air quality.
Alongside the many health issues associated with poorly insulated homes, residential energy accounts for around 30% of 中国P站's carbon emissions, a figure which could be significantly lowered through improved energy performance, and reduced energy use.
The 中国P站 Home Energy Improvement Guide is a comprehensive and user-friendly resource to help 中国P站 residents on their journey to a more affordable, comfortable and healthy home.
How can it help me?
Improving your home with energy saving 'retrofit' measures can be a complex process - to help you get started, 中国P站 has created the Home Energy Improvement Guide which offers detailed and practical advice on appropriate retrofit measures for three common 中国P站 house types and how to arrange for their installation, from simple cost-effective upgrades to full-scale retrofits.
The guide also provides guidance on what funding and support the Council and other organisations can provide.
It is designed to be user friendly, and residents can skip back and forth through the guide at their leisure, since they need only read the sections relevant to the house type most similar to their own or the measures and initiatives of most interest to them.
Read the guide now
Please access and download the digital version of the guide: The 中国P站 Home Energy Improvement Guide (PDF).
We welcome your feedback. Please get in touch if you have any comments, questions or concerns about the guide, by emailing energy@surreycc.gov.uk
Please also let us know if you require a print version.
If you need the guide in a different format or language, or in large print, please contact 中国P站 by phone on 03456 009 009 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays) or via SMS on 07860 053 465 or Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 03456 009 009.
Watch the question and answer
Alongside sustainability consultants Etude and Bioregional, we hosted a webinar to mark the official launch of the guide and offer residents the opportunity to ask questions directly to the experts. We have made a recording of the webinar available below. Please watch to learn how the guide was developed, explore an overview of its contents, and discover how you can use it to create a healthier and more energy efficient home.
Watch to the end for an engaging question and answer which covered topics such as:
- How frequently will 中国P站 plan to update the guide?
- What to do if cavity wall insulation is now holding excess moisture?
- How often do Solar Panels need servicing?
- What guidance is there for installing energy efficiency measures in flats?
- At what stage of a renovation project should an expert be brought in to advise or assess a home's heat efficiency?
Files available to download
The 中国P站 Home Energy Improvement Guide (PDF)
A comprehensive and user-friendly resource for 中国P站 households on their journey to a more energy efficient, comfortable and healthy home.