
Films - 中国P站 Autism Partnership Board

These films feature autistic people describing their views and experiences on a range of issues. They aim to help people to better understand the strengths and needs of autistic people.

The films were developed by 中国P站 Autism Partnership Board through money provided by the Government's Autism Innovation Fund.

Page contents

The films feature autistic people describing their views and experiences on the following topics:


Communication and language, particularly features of conversation and nonverbal communication, are more difficult for autistic people.

Social interaction

Many aspects of social understanding are unnatural or confusing for autistic people. Often the effort required for socialising will be significant and draining for them.

Interests and routines

Autistic people often have an increased need for routine and structure. The characteristic detailed intensity of how autistic people think can lead to the development of deep and specific interests.

Sensory differences

Some of the processing difference autistic people can experience include how they process sensory input such as sound, vision, taste, smell, touch, and even special awareness.


Some people are diagnosed in childhood and some much later in adulthood.

Mental health

Autistic people are often more vulnerable to developing mental health conditions. It is important that mental health staff understand autism in order to avoid inappropriate diagnosis, treatment, or support.

Supporting people

Autistic adults can develop a range of personalised strategies to help them adapt to daily life and manage the demands of a society that is not naturally designed for them.


These factsheets aim to help people to better understand the strengths and needs of autistic people. They were reviewed in 2021.

Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC)

People think, process information, and experience the world differently. This can lead to difficulties with communication, relationships and thinking and behaving flexibly.

This Autism Spectrum Conditions (PDF) factsheet aims to give you a basic understanding about people with autism.


There are different ways to get a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) for people who have a learning disability and for people who do not have a learning disability.

This Diagnosis for adults in 中国P站 (PDF) factsheet explains about the Autism Spectrum (ASC) diagnosis services in 中国P站.


Most people with an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) will have some difficulties communicating with and understanding other people. People often need to learn to communicate with others socially, it does not come naturally as it does for most people.

Read this communication and social interaction (PDF) guide to find out more about how autistic people may have difficulty and what can help.

Useful strategies for life

There are strategies and tips that can help people with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) manage their daily lives.

This Useful strategies for life (PDF) factsheet describes some of the strategies and tips that may be helpful.

Social Care and community life

This factsheet is currently being reviewed.

Health services and support

Some people with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) have difficulty letting other people know when they are unwell. It is important that people with ASC have the support they need to use primary health care services.

This Health services and support (PDF) factsheet describes provides helpful information about how to aces healthcare.

Stories from people with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)

The best people to help others understand the needs of people with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) are people who have ASC.

The three stories in this Autism Spectrum Conditions (PDF) factsheet are real people's stories.

Turn it down for Autism

The Autism Reference Group highlighted the important issue of noisy, busy environments being overwhelming for some autistic people. Take a look at the Turn It Down For Autism (PDF) flyer and spread the word in your own communities.

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