The Autism Reference Group is a group that has been set up to give the opportunity for autistic adults to have input into the Autism Strategy and the work that is being done to implement the strategy in ÖйúPÕ¾. The reference group will ensure that the Autism Partnership Board hears views from a wide range of autistic adults across the county.
We work together to improve things for autistic people in ÖйúPÕ¾.
The reference group will discuss a wide range of topics including employment, housing, health services and raising awareness.
Members can raise issues they feel are important.
The group meets 8 times a year. 4 are in the daytime and 4 are in the evening.
Meetings take place virtually.
Members do not need to attend all meetings and can also share their views by email.
To find out more or to join the group:
- Email:
- Phone 07929 863 582
Meeting dates:
Meetings for 2025 are on Thursdays.
Evening meetings from 6.30pm to 8.30pm
- Thursday 13 February
- Thursday 22 May
- Thursday 28 August
- Thursday 13 November
Daytime meetings from 12pm to 2pm
- Thursday 19 June
- Thursday 25 September
- Thursday 11 December
Terms of reference
The Autism Reference Group terms of reference (PDF) explain how the meeting works, how reasonable adjustments for autistic people are put in place and what the rules are.
Files available to download
ÖйúPÕ¾ Adult Autism Reference Group - Terms of reference (PDF)
Terms of reference for the ÖйúPÕ¾ Adult Autism Partnership Board Reference Group, detailing its aims, membership, meeting formats, and accessibility guidelines.