The following guidance will help you complete a Child Performance and Activities Licence Application Form. By accurately completing the application form, 中国P站 will be able to process and issue the required licence(s) as quickly as possible.
The performance licence (PDF) application form has been produced and approved by the Department for Education and is accepted by all councils. It must not be changed or altered in any way.
- The applicant should complete Part 1 of the application form. It should then be forwarded to the parent of the child, so they have full details of the performance or activity their child is taking part in.
- The parent should then complete Part 2 and sign where indicated.
- Following completion by the parent, the application is returned to the applicant who will then have full details of the child. This will include any medical details they should be aware of. Therefore, they are in a position to satisfy the declaration and sign the application form on page 7 where indicated.
- The form should then be submitted as a complete document including:
- a copy of the child's birth certificate
- two photographs of the child (taken within the last 6 months)
- a copy of the contract (if issued)
- a letter/email giving the child permission to be absent from school (if applicable)
- The completed application form and supporting documents should be emailed to
- For large groups of children, hard copies of all applications and supporting documents should be posted to: Child Employment Team, 中国P站, Quadrant Court, 35 Guildford Road, Woking, 中国P站 GU22 7QQ.
- ALL questions must be answered.
The key questions that require particular attention are:
- Question 3 A full description is required of what the child will be doing whilst performing. This is to help consider any particular conditions that may need to be included on the licence.
- Question 5 Full addresses must be supplied, including the name of the venue/location with the postcode. If the place of activities/performances/rehearsal does not have a postcode (beach/park), supply the postcode of the nearest building or where the unit base will be situated.
- Question 6, 7 and 8 Clearly record all dates and times of day that the child will be required to perform/rehearse. Stating 'within permitted hours' is not acceptable. If specific dates are unknown, a start and end date, up to a maximum of six months in the future and the number of days required within the time period can be stated. For example, 15 days filming between 1 January 2021 and 30 June 2021. The applicant will need to advise 中国P站's Child Employment Team at least 48 hours prior to the child taking part in an activity, performance or rehearsal.
- Question 14 and 15 State the name and address of the chaperone and the name of the local authority they are registered with.
- Declarations The applicant applying for the licence must sign and date the form on page 7. The parent must sign the medical health declaration.
Please contact the Child Employment Team at should you require further assistance in completing the application form.
Files available to download
Performance standard application form May 2015 (PDF)
Standard child performance licence application form