
Information for professionals working with children, young people and families

This information is for practitioners who have direct or indirect involvement with children and young people. This includes those who:

  • have direct contact, for example, doctors, therapists, teachers, childcare/nursery staff, home-school link workers, youth workers, social workers, family support workers.
  • work with adults who are parents or carers, for example, substance misuse workers, housing advice services, mental health and other health services.
  • work in the voluntary, community or private sector, for example, Home-Start, clubs, leisure and sports providers.

Where possible practitioners should encourage families to seek support from universal services (such as healthcare and education) and those that offer early help (such as home-school link workers and Home-Start). Families should be encouraged to use the Family Information Service and to find support available to them. They can also be signposted to the 'self-help' section of our website. However, if you feel that a family's needs require Targeted or Intensive Support or Statutory Services based on the , a referral to the Children's Single Point of Access (C-SPA) will be needed.

If you have concerns about a child, you can call us on 0300 470 9100 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. You will always be asked to complete a if you are seeking support for a family. Out of these hours, call our emergency duty team 01483 517898. In an emergency where you are concerned for the child's immediate safety, you should call 中国P站 Police on 999.

Useful documents

Useful information

Effective Family Resilience and The Family Safeguarding Model

In 中国P站 we have adopted , an evidence-based model of practice focused on keeping families together where it is safe to do so.

The 中国P站 Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP)

brings together representatives from different organisations in 中国P站 to agree how they will work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

The SSCP have resources for practitioners, parents and carers and young people that provide advice and support on a wide range of topics as well as supporting to keep children and young people safe.

Disabled children

If you work with disabled children and young people there is guidance on safeguarding them .

Safeguarding children - Local child safeguarding practice reviews

In some instances where a child has suffered significant harm, a local child safeguarding practice review is carried out to see what lessons can be learnt about how local practitioners and organisations worked together and to make recommendations so that the welfare of children is better protected in future.

Information on these and other learning reviews are held on the .

Sexual abuse by children or young people

Our Assessment Consultation Therapy (ACT) team works with schools, partner agencies and social care professionals – as well as with the children, young people and their parents – to reduce sexual abuse by children and young people.

Celebration fund for looked after children and care leavers

The Celebration Fund is a small, discretionary fund that all Members are asked to contribute to, which as corporate parents we set aside to recognise, and reward looked after children and care leavers for their achievements.

Find out more about eligibility and the application process for the celebration fund.

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