A description is visible and used by external and internal search engines to improve the ranking of a webpage or file and to provide customers with a quick understanding of what the webpage or file is all about.
They are also used by screen readers for the visually impaired.
Descriptions must be concise and a summary of the webpage or file:
- between 110 and 160 characters long, including spaces. You can use the web site , to check the number of characters.
- reflect the content of the webpage or file
- be different to the webpage title or file, and
- have no jargon or acronyms.
You may also need to add a strapline to your webpage in the metadata tab, if a page, feature or title are displayed on a landing page and have no subpages or hidden subpages.
If you change the content of a webpage or upload an updated file, always review and if necessary change the description and strapline.
Add or update a description
A description can be found in the meta data tab of your webpage or file.
To add or update your webpage or file description open the webpage or file in Matrix, click on the metadata tab and edit the description field. Click the save button when done.
Reason for this web standard
This web standard ensures your webpage or file is accessible to all and reaches the widest possible audience.