

There are three types of 'notice' that can be added to pages:

  • Informative - important information that needs to stand out.
  • Warning - minor to moderate service disruption (eg. coronavirus alterations).
  • Alert - very severe service disruption.

Examples of each type are shown below.

Informative notice

<div class="scc-notice scc-notice--info">
    <h2 class="scc-notice__heading">Closing date for on-time applications</h2>
    <p>Closing date for on-time applications to Primary schools was <strong>15 January 2020</strong>.</p>
    <p>Please refer to the <a href="#">late application</a> page.</p>

Closing date for on-time applications

Closing date for on-time applications to Primary schools was 15 January 2020.

Please refer to the late application page.

Warning notice

<div class="scc-notice scc-notice--warning">
    <h2 class="scc-notice__heading">Service temporarily unavailable</h2>
    <p>Due to essential maintenance work, online services will not be available between 5.30pm on Saturday 25 October and 8.30am on Monday 27 October.</p>
    <p>We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.</p>

Service temporarily unavailable

Due to essential maintenance work, online services will not be available between 5.30pm on Saturday 25 October and 8.30am on Monday 27 October.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Alert notice

<div class="scc-notice scc-notice--alert">
    <h2 class="scc-notice__heading">Roads closed in New Town</h2>
    <p>A major incident has occurred in New Town so all roads in the area are closed to traffic.</p>

Roads closed in New Town

A major incident has occurred in New Town so all roads in the area are closed to traffic.

When to use these

Informative notices can be used to draw readers' attention to high impact and time sensitive information, such a deadline for school admission applications. A notice box should not be used to make something stand out unless it is important.

Warning notices should only be used to convey information such as immediate temporary changes to service availability or updates to an on-going situation (such as winter weather). It is intended to attract the attention of people to urgent information.

Alert notices should be used for severe service disruption that affects a larger area.

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