Think about what means for you and your team - what work is completed more effectively remotely?
How will you communicate effectively with your team and stakeholders? You may want to think about how everyone in the team knows where people are working – can help with this.
With some people working remotely and some in the office, there is a likelihood that you'll be involved in – is available to support this
Think about where you will locate yourself when working from home and how you plan your day – try to !
Agile working is about focussing on outcomes rather than hours or locations which means that colleagues have greater flexibility in when they work and where they work – whether that be at home, in a workspace or a Public or Community space.
Technology and equipment
Depending on your role, you will be provided with an SCC laptop, hybrid or iPhone if required.
There is a range of technology which is available to support more flexible working and the to the network in a variety of locations
SCC will not provide furniture or additional equipment (screen for example) to work from home – this was provided during the Covid lockdown to respond to the exceptional circumstance, but this has now ended.
Any equipment that was borrowed and subsequently becomes faulty or breaks, should be repaired and/or disposed of by the individual in possession of it and replaced themselves should they wish to continue to have that equipment.
If you feel that your home working environment isn't appropriate, you should discuss this with your line manager and complete a . Advice and support is available, and you can self-refer to Occupational Health if necessary.
SCC provide digital solutions to enable you to work in an agile way – support on how to use these tools can be accessed on the
Ensure that you consider your when working from home – taking regular breaks, building a walk into your day and ensuring that you maintain a healthy work/life balance are all ways to do this.
Working considerately and securely
Be aware of your surroundings when working with personal data – ensure that others in the house cannot view your screen or overhear voice or video calls.
We all have a responsibility to we use in our work. This is particularly important where the information is sensitive or confidential.
When working from home you are responsible for ensuring that data is protected from risks inherent in working outside of the office.