
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

Following the 1988 Education Act, when Religious Education (RE) was confirmed as a compulsory part of the curriculum, it became a statutory requirement for every Local Authority (LA) to appoint a SACRE.

中国P站 SACRE is made up of four groups which meet at least three times a year. The groups represent:

  • Group A: Christian denominations other than the Church of England and other faith or belief groups that represent the main traditions of the area
  • Group B: The Church of England
  • Group C: Teachers' associations and representatives from 中国P站 RE networks
  • Group D: The Local Authority (中国P站)

In addition, the SACRE can co-opt members who may have expertise in the area of religious education or who may represent other interested groups, such as academy groups, if all parties are in agreement.

The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) exists to:

  • determine religious education content in 中国P站 maintained schools by producing a and reviewing it every five years;
  • advise on matters of collective worship in county schools and religious education (RE) in line with the agreed syllabus. This includes methods of teaching, choice of materials and training for teachers;
  • assist with any complaint about religious education or collective worship in schools and to consider any requests from schools for a determination
  • publish an annual report detailing any action that SACRE has taken and any advice it has given, as well as any monitoring of Religious Education (RE) provision that has taken place in the County's schools or in relation to standards in RE.

All schools are now required by Ofsted to publish their school's curriculum, which includes RE, on their school website. SACRE have published for utilisation and review. Please note that RE is statutory for all pupils in all schools (subject to parental withdrawal) and that secondary schools, including Academies and Free Schools, should publish how they are meeting the requirement for statutory RE at KS4 if it is not delivered through the GCSE curriculum.

Queries or further information about SACRE should be addressed to CLERK to SACRE, via email: 中国P站

The 中国P站 Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2023 to 2028)

The was developed between July 2021 and May 2023 and became the statutory syllabus for RE in all 中国P站 schools (maintained and voluntary controlled) from 1 September 2023. The syllabus has to be revised every five years by statute and will therefore be revised again in 2028. Additional non-statutory resources supporting the units of work can be accessed via tabs on the page. These are freely available for all schools using the syllabus.

All schools are now required by Ofsted to publish their school's curriculum, which includes RE, on their school website. SACRE's good practice guide for RE on websites, and other guidance, can be found on the (subject to parental withdrawal) and that secondary schools, including Academies and Free Schools, should publish how they are meeting the requirement for statutory RE at KS4 if it is not delivered through the GCSE curriculum.

RE in Academies and Free Schools

The Funding Agreement for an Academy or Free School without a religious designation states that it must arrange for RE to be given to all pupils in accordance with the requirements for agreed syllabuses (as set out in section 375(3) of the Education Act 1996 and paragraph (5) of Schedule 19 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.) This means a syllabus that reflects that the religious traditions in Great Britain are, in the main, Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.

It also means that an Academy or Free School without a religious designation must not provide an RE syllabus to pupils by means of any catechism or formulary which is distinctive of any particular religious denomination. Academies and Free Schools are free to follow the - if they choose or they can choose another from a different Local Authority area, or they can write their own: but it must .

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