
After school and out of school activities

Breakfast clubs

Breakfast clubs provide healthy low cost breakfasts and a safe place for your child to wait until school starts.

After school clubs

After school clubs provide care and play facilities or extra supported study after school has finished.

Holiday Playschemes

Holiday Playschemes offer a wide range of activities such as sports, outdoor and indoor games, music, arts, crafts and drama.

Extended schools

Extended schools provide a range of out of school hours services for primary and secondary age children, their families and the community.

School trips

Your child's school may organise these for pupils. These are usually free although schools may ask for voluntary donations. Sometimes schools offer trips where an overnight stay is included. There may be a charge for these, which should be in line with guidance from the .

Duke of Edinburgh award scheme

We have over 8000 young people a year registering to take part in the where participants help people and communities, go on expeditions, develop their own skills and get fitter. Young people from 14 to 24 can take part in DofE by .

中国P站 Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD)

If the great outdoors appeals to your child, may be for them. It helps young people develop and learn more about themselves through taking part in outdoor experience programmes in 中国P站 and beyond.

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