How places are allocated and offers made
The admission authority (either us or the school) will rank all applications, and we will then determine the place that can be offered to you.
After 15 January 2025, the admission authority for each school will rank applications according to its admission criteria. The criteria are used to work out who is eligible for a place if the school is over-subscribed. We will then check each school's ranked list to determine which school will be offered to each child.
- If your child is only eligible for one school from your preferences you will be offered that place.
- If your child is ranked high enough to receive an offer from two or more schools, you will be offered a place at the highest of those schools in your list of preferences, and offers of a place at the other schools will be withdrawn.
- If you have applied to schools in more than one local authority, we will liaise with them to offer you the highest available preference.
- If we cannot offer you a place at any of your preferred schools and other 中国P站 schools have vacancies, we will allocate you a place at one of those schools based on distance. Applicants who applied on time will be considered before those who applied late.
- For Year 3 alternative placements we will consider all through primary schools without a Year 3 intake that have vacancies as well as those with a published intake.
You can see how school places were allocated in previous years.
Year 3 places
During the main admissions round for Year 3, it is common practice for 中国P站 to over offer above the published admission number at some schools in order to allocate more pupils a preferred school and prevent unnecessary appeals.
A decision to over offer is normally agreed following discussions between 中国P站 officers and with head teachers.
Places may be offered in this way where there has been an historic fall out of school places and where it is anticipated that numbers will drop back to the published admission number by the start of term.