If your child is not offered a place at your preferred school, find out about waiting lists and how to appeal.
Waiting lists
We maintain the waiting lists for community and voluntary controlled schools and for some academies and foundation, free, trust and voluntary aided schools. Other academies and foundation, free, trust and voluntary aided schools maintain their own waiting lists.
You can find out who will manage a school's waiting list by checking our primary schools list or secondary schools list
For schools we manage waiting lists for, you will have to let us know, in writing, if you want your child added to the school's waiting list. The exception is if you have applied for more than one child and not all children can be offered a place at the same school, in which case we will add your child to the waiting list automatically.
For academies and foundation, free, trust and voluntary aided schools which manage their own waiting lists, you should check with each school as their waiting list policies may be different.
As children leave a school, vacancies are created which will be filled from each school's waiting list.
Waiting lists are ranked according to each school's admission criteria. Your child's position on a waiting list may go down as well as up, for example, if other children with greater priority according to the school's admissions criteria are added to the list.
If your child has moved since originally applying and they are ranked on the waiting list according to distance, then their new address will usually be used to determine their position on the waiting list. However, you must make sure you tell the admission authority for the school that your child has moved. If you are unsure which address is being used, please check with the admission authority for the school.
A significant change may take place to waiting list positions at the start of the autumn term. This may be due to:
- the volume of applications received during the school holidays
- removal of any children who have not applied to remain on waiting lists for the new academic year
- changes to the way admission criteria are applied at the start of the autumn term.
For schools we manage admissions for, we will maintain a waiting list until 22 July 2025 which is the last day of the summer term, after which it will be cancelled. You can find out who manages a school's waiting list by checking our primary schools list or secondary schools list. If you would like your child's name to stay on the waiting list after this date, you must submit a Continuing Interest form between 1 July and 31 August 2025.
If a Continuing Interest form is not received by 31 August 2025, the applicant will be required to submit a new in-year application.
Once waiting lists close on 22 July 2025, we will start compiling the waiting lists for the new academic year using information received on the Continuing Interest forms and any new in-year applications that we have received. Fully completed forms received in July will be used to reform the waiting list at the beginning of August. Forms received between 1 August and 31 August will be added to the waiting list as soon as they have been processed. If a place can be offered from the waiting list once it has been reformed, we will write to you. Waiting list positions for the new academic year will be available from 20 August 2025.
Academies and foundation, free, trust and voluntary aided schools which manage their own admissions may have different policies on cancelling their waiting lists. You should check their requirements for remaining on a waiting list with each school directly.
School appeals
If your child is not offered a place at a preferred school you can appeal against the decision.
- Community and voluntary controlled schools - Our Appeals Service manage the appeals process for all community and voluntary controlled schools.
- Academies and foundation, free, trust and voluntary aided schools - The appeals process for academies and foundation, free, trust and voluntary aided schools are usually handled by the governing body of individual schools. However, in some instances these schools delegate the responsibility of organising appeals to our Appeals Service.
How to make an appeal and the appeal process
If you wish to make an appeal, you will need find out who manages the appeal process, who to contact and complete the relevant appeal form. To do so please see our web page: Find your school to appeal.
For more information about making an appeal and the appeal process, please see our web pages: School admission appeals.