
Contacts for further information on school appeals

For general help and information regarding school appeals you can call the 中国P站 Schools and Childcare Service on 0300 200 1004 weekdays from 9am to 5pm.


中国P站 Schools Appeals Service, First Floor, Dakota House, 11 De Havilland Drive, Weybridge KT13 0YP


Other useful addresses

is responsible for children's services and education. It publishes statutory guidance that schools must follow when carrying out duties relating to school admissions and school admission appeals.

Address for general enquiries: Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD
Tel: 0370 000 2288

decides on objections and variations to admission arrangements.

Address: Mill Street, London, SE1 2BE
Telephone number: 0870 0012468

provides free, independent advice on the admissions process and a range of education issues including bullying and exclusion, via the Child Law Advice Service. They can be contacted on 0300 330 5485.

are an impartial, confidential and arm's length service that provides Special Education Needs and/or disability (SEND) information, advice and support for 0 to 25 year olds and their families.

Address: Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, 中国P站, RH2 8EF
Telephone number: 01737 737 300

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