
Become a registered childminder

Are you considering becoming a registered childminder and would like to find out more?

A registered childminder is a person who looks after one or more children for more than a total of two hours a day in their own home. They are registered and inspected by Ofsted.

ÖйúPÕ¾ are committed to supporting childminders to provide high quality childcare and early years education. Our 'Becoming a Registered Childminder' (BaRC) training is made up of two face-to-face full day sessions, delivered over two consecutive weeks, for those interested in joining the childminding profession.

The training covers the legislation and implications of caring for other people's children in a home environment to ensure that children are safe, well cared for and take part in activities that contribute to their learning and development.

The training also details your statutory duties as set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Other national training is available for prospective childminders, but we would encourage you to attend the ÖйúPÕ¾ childminder training for the following reasons:

  • Understanding local ÖйúPÕ¾ processes including safeguarding protocols, supporting children with additional needs, business advice and support, recommended templates and documentations.
  • Opportunities to meet some of the ÖйúPÕ¾ Early Years teams and find out what support is available and where to access this, including other training available by ÖйúPÕ¾.
  • Networking opportunities meeting like-minded professionals who are on a similar journey.
  • Interactive and engaging sessions face to face with others.
  • Ongoing support beyond the training.

This course is facilitated by Advisors within the Educational Effectiveness Team and the Commissioning Team.

It covers all aspects of managing your business, pre-registration advice and safeguarding children in your care.

Through facilitated discussion, practical activities and advisor led information sessions we will explore how to support children within the Early Years Foundation Stage, including early identification and assessing of those children who need additional support.

The training will give you the opportunity to:-

  • Gain/enhance your knowledge of how to support children within the Early Years foundation stage, through the use of the statutory framework and non-statutory guidance documents​
  • Support you to understand your responsibility to safeguard children and your role as the Designated Safeguarding Lead. How to request for support and adhere to the ÖйúPÕ¾ Safeguarding Children's Partnership procedures.
  • Gain knowledge on how to identify and assess children at risk of delay and how to request support for children with special educational needs and/or disability.
  • Support your understanding of all aspects of running their business, such as finances, marketing and sustainability.

The full course is £100 which includes the two days training (including tea/coffee refreshments), relevant materials, templates certificate and on-going support.

Next confirmed training dates

Summer Term 2025

Thursday 1st May 2025Session 19:30 am to 3:30 pm
Thursday 8th May 2025Session 29:30 am to 3:30 pm

To attend BaRC, you can express your interest by contacting us at prospective.childminders@surreycc.gov.uk. Please give your contact details including name, contact number, the borough in which you live and email address. We will then send you all the information on how to book on.

Please see the link below for all the information you will need to start your career.

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