
Con29 Data Access Arrangements

The tables below detail the information sources used to compile the responses to the questions 中国P站 answer as part of the local authority search.

Page contents

Con29 questions

Question number Unrefined data location or access
2.1 (a)
  1. Road Registers are available to view at the reception desk at County Hall. Copies are also sent to the Land Charges Team at each borough or district.
  2. The Road Network overlay is available on our and shows all highways maintained at public expense.
2.1 (b)
  1. Section 38 Agreements are registered as a local land charge, so the existence of any would be revealed on inspection of the Local Land Charges register.
  2. Copies of Section 38 Agreements can be viewed through the Legal Information Team at County Hall in Kingston Upon Thames.
2.1 (c) and (d)

All relevant information can be obtained from the online .


This data is available to view geographically using the interactive rights of way map.


Data can be found on footpaths byways and bridleways


Data can be found on footpaths byways and bridleways


Please refer to 2.2 to 2.4 above.


All relevant information can be obtained from the online .

A list of improvement schemes is available on request from

Information regarding safeguarded land associated with highway scheme proposals made through the Local Plan process can also be viewed on the relevant Borough or District Council website.

3.4 (a to f)

All relevant information can be obtained from the online .

Proposals contained within the 中国P站 Local Transport Plan.

A list of ongoing schemes is available on request from

Information regarding highway scheme proposals made through the Local Plan process can also be viewed on the relevant Borough or District Council website.

Proposals on Motorways or Trunk roads are dealt with by National Highways. Please visit their section.

3.5 (a and b)

All relevant information can be obtained from the online .

Please see our rail strategy.

A list of ongoing schemes is available on request from

3.6 (a)

Stopping Up orders proposed under section 116 and 117 of the Highways Act 1980 can be obtained from the online .

Stopping Up Orders proposed under Section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 are made by the Department for Transport.

A list of ongoing schemes is available on request from

3.6 (b to l)

All relevant information can be obtained from the online .

Traffic Regulation Orders are displayed in the local press, at local libraries and online on our highways public notices page.

Information regarding waiting or loading restrictions and residents parking controls can be found on our parking pages.

A list of ongoing schemes is available on request from

3.7 (e) and (g)

A list of property addresses, subject to outstanding highways notices is available on request from

We have not issued any notices under flood and coastal erosion risk management.


All relevant information can be obtained from the online .

Compulsory Purchase Orders are also advertised and available for public inspection before they are made.

A list of such schemes is available on request from

Con29 Optional questions

Con29O Question Unrefined data location or access
4 (a) and (b)
  1. Section 38 and 278 Agreements are registered as a local land charge, so the existence of any would be revealed on inspection of the Local Land Charges register.
  2. Copies of Section 38 and 278 Agreements can be viewed through the Legal Information Team at County Hall in Kingston Upon Thames.

A list of property addresses, subject to outstanding notices is available on request from


Further information can be found on our common land and village green page


Copies of these can be found on our footpaths byways and bridleways page.


Please refer to the websites mentioned at 22.1 and 22.2 above.

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