List of schemes revealed under questions 3.6 (a to l) on the Con29R local authority search.
Location | Name | Description |
Guildford | Woodbridge Meadows junction improvement. | Junction safety improvement scheme. |
Guildford | Woodbridge Meadows Cycle Improvements. | Introduction of cycle network within the estate. |
Guildford town centre | Walnut Tree Close Closure. | Investigate possibility of road closure north of train station as part of Guildford Town Centre Transport Package. |
Guildford town centre | Walnut Bridge replacement. | Investigate replacement of Walnut Bridge (linking Walnut Tree Close and Bedford Road) with a widened bridge for pedestrians and cyclists. |
Guildford town centre | A25 Cycle Corridor. | Investigate provision of missing cycle links along the A25. |
Guildford town centre | A3100 London Road Station cycle link. | Investigate provision of shared footway/cycleway along London Road between London Road station and Boxgrove roundabout. |
Pirbright | Avenue De Cagny traffic calming. | Investigate provision of traffic calming along this road. |
Ash | A323 Aldershot Road stopping up. | Investigate stopping up of highway verge outside the property known as Raevom. |
Send | Potters Lane stopping up. | Investigate stopping up of highway verge outside number 130. |
West Horsley | The Street pedestrian crossing facilities. | Investigate crossing facilities near the roundabout. |
Guildford | Aldershot Road Puffin Crossing. | Investigate the upgrade of the zebra crossing to a puffin crossing. |
Guildford | The Chase stopping up order. | Proposed Stopping up Order being advertised by Department for Transport under ref NATTRAN/SE/S247/3166. |
Guildford | Guildford Town Centre Public Realm enhancement. | Proposed improvements along Chapel Street, Swan Lane and Castle Street (including junction with South Hill and Sydenham Road). |
Guildford | Guildford Park Road / Madrid Road turning ban. | Investigate introduction of turning bans at these 2 junctions |
Guildford | A25 Epsom Road Bus Lane. | Possible introduction of bus lane along westbound lane between Merrow Park & Ride roundabout and Park Lane/Epsom Road roundabout. |
Guildford | A322 Woodbridge Road parking/waiting restrictions. | Proposed introduction of double yellow lines and shared-use parking bays along multiple sections of Woodbridge Road. |
Guildford | Harvey Road pedestrian refuge. | Proposed provision of a pedestrian refuge. |
Various | Guildford March 2021 Parking Review. | Proposed new waiting restrictions in Ash, Ash Vale, Burpham, Chilworth, East Horsley, Gomshall, Guildford Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Merrow, Pirbright, Puttenham, Seale, Stoughton Tongham, Westborough and West Clandon. |
Effingham | Lower Road traffic calming. | Investigate provision of road tables |
Holmbury St Mary | Horsham Road traffic calming | Investigate traffic calming measures |
Guildford | A3100 London Road Pedestrian Refuge. | Investigate refuge between Winterhill Way and Orchard Road. |
East Horsley | Ockham Road South traffic calming. | Investigate provision of road table, probably in the vicinity of the junction with Forest Road. |
Seale | Seale Road / Littleworth Road safety scheme. | Investigation of a junction improvement scheme. |
Guildford | Epsom Road / Waterden Road left turn ban. | Investigate provision of left-turn ban from Epsom Road into Waterden Road. |
Ripley | Newark Lane Road widening. | Investigate possible widening of road near the junction with High Street. |
Guildford | Hazel Avenue weight limit. | Investigate provision of 7.5t weight limit. |
Guildford | Franham Road pedestrian crossing improvement | Investigate widening of pedestrian island on the east side of the Guildford Park Road roundabout |
Guildford | Holly Lane pedestrian refuge. | Investigate provision of pedestrian refuge. |
Jacobswell | Clay lane traffic calming. | Provide road table traffic calming measures in the vicinity of Blanchards Hill / Jacobs Well Road. |
Guildford | Castle Hill traffic calming | Investigate traffic calming measures |
Ash | Ash Hill Road zebra crossing | Investigate provision of zebra crossing near Victoria Hall |
Guildford | Electronic Vehicle Parking bays | |
Ash | Ash Street Stopping Up Order. | Stopping Up fronting 120-124 Ash Street currently being advertised by Department for Transport under reference NATTRAN/SE/S247/4675 |
Shalford | Dagley Lane cycle path upgrade. | Widen and resurface existing cycle path on Dagley Lane between railway bridge and Water Works site. |
Burpham | A3100 London Road cycle route. | Provision of off-road cycle route between Clay Lane roundabout and A25 Park Way roundabout. |
Guildford | Harvey Road / Epsom Road left turn ban. | Investigate provision of left-turn ban from Harvey Road into Epsom Road. |
Guildford | Walnut Tree Close traffic calming. | Provision of a flat top road table opposite the new Walnut Bridge. |