
Frequently asked questions about the Feet First: Walking Training for schools

This page is for primary schools, parents and carers to find out more about our new Feet First: Walking Training Programme.

Page contents

What will the Walking Training programme cover?

Our new Feet First: Walking Training programme will provide pupils with road safety skills to better enable them to safely walk to and from school with their parents and carers and prepare them for independent travel. It will be taught through a combination of classroom and practical roadside sessions.

The training programme will consist of three areas:

  1. In school pre-training digital modules across six topics areas hosted via Agilisys
  2. On-site training led by trained Walking Instructors and in-class lesson plans for teachers
  3. At home activities to complete with parents and carers

What will the training course cover?

This training will cover the following learning topics:

  • The Green Cross Code
  • Understanding how to use different types of road signs and pedestrian crossings
  • Recognising safe and unsafe places to cross
  • How to cross between parked cars
  • The benefits of active travel

Who is the Feet First: Walking Training programme for?

The course is aimed at children ages seven to eight years old (Year 3) and will be delivered by trained Walking Instructors employed by 中国P站.

How do I book onto the training?

If your school already runs Bikeability, you can request Walking Training with your .

Alternatively, if you do not have login details, please contact us at:, where we can set you up with a login, share the how-to guide on navigating the booking site. You can then begin requesting Walking Training for your school.

If you are a parent, please contact your child's school to find out if they are running Walking Training within their school. As it stands, we are not currently running private sessions with the public.

Is there a cost associated?

Yes, there is a cost associated with the course. Schools will be charged per participating pupil. Please find the course cost breakdown below:

  • Full cost per pupil: 拢6
  • Pupils receiving free school meals: Free*

*Free School Meal (FSM) places are now free and funded for academic year 2024-25.

How does a school or parent pay for the course?

Upon booking your school will be asked whether they would like to be invoiced directly or for parents to pay via Worldpay.

How can I fund the course?

The Safer Travel Team will be providing guidance to schools on how to fund the Walking Training within their schools. For example, the course can be funded through Sports Premium, fundraising, sponsorship, parental payment in full or part. Further guidance on how to fund Walking Training within your school will be made available soon.

When will the training take place?

Monday to Friday mornings between 9.30am and lunchtime.

How many pupils can the course accommodate?

A course can accommodate a class of up to 36 pupils in one morning.

How long will the training last?

The course will be run with a 1:4 instructor to pupil ratio. Each session will take no longer than 30 minutes, with 25 minutes supervised on-road learning. For a class of up to 36 pupils we will aim to send three instructors, so all pupils can be trained across the same morning (9.30am-12.00pm). However, this is flexible and dependent on the schools and instructors' availability upon booking.

We will fit the training around your school timetable.

How many instructors are there?

There will be one instructor to every four pupils. With an aim to send a maximum of three instructors to complete a full class of 30+ pupils in one morning.

Practical sessions are always carried out on a one to four adult to child ratio.

Can I make the group size bigger or smaller?

Depending on your classroom size we will send the required number of instructors needed to complete the training. This may be across one morning or multiple mornings, depending on the schools and instructors' availability.

Is there a minimum number of pupils required to book the training?

Yes, a minimum number of eight pupils are required for a course to go ahead.

What if we have more than one Year 3 class?

For schools larger than 1-form entry multiple dates will be required to complete the training. However, where possible we will aim to complete a full class of up to 36 pupils in one morning.

How is the training delivered?

To be able to train a class of up to 36 pupils, the training is divided three practical (on-road) sessions, taking up to 12 pupils at any one time.

What do we have to do before the on-road training?

In the classroom:

Schools will be provided with login details to undertake six pre-training modules on Agilisys. The topics will complement the pupils on-road training and will consist of:

  1. Always Think
  2. Staying visible
  3. Green Cross Code
  4. The safest way
  5. Crossing types
  6. Active Travel

It is recommended classes run one to two modules per week. Each module will take a class up to 30 minutes to complete.

What will the practical session involve?

Practical session (on-road training):

The practical session will involve putting the learning points into practice under supervision of our trained instructors. The practical will be broken up into three sessions, taking a maximum of 12 pupils with three instructors at one time. Each session will last approximately 30 minutes

The on-road practical training will be held within close walking distance to the school and teachers will be given access to the risk assessed route ahead of training.

What do we have to do after the on-road training?

At home:

Schools will be provided with additional at home resources for pupils to complete with their parents and carers post training. These resources will complement and re-enforce the in-class on and on-road sessions.

What if a pupil needs extra support?

All pupils are encouraged to participate in our Walking Training course regardless of their abilities. Where possible we will adapt the course content to ensure it is as inclusive as possible.

If pupils have one-to-one helpers or Teaching Assistants, please notify us upon booking your training. Helpers or teaching assistants will need to accompany pupils during their practical session.

What if a pupil has SEND or medical requirements?

All parents will be required to fill out a consent form via the online booking system, listing any conditions which the instructors will need to be made aware of. On the day of the course, instructors will make a note of any medical/special needs. Teachers are responsible for ensuring pupils and or instructors have the necessary equipment such as EpiPen or inhaler.

What do pupils need to wear?

Training will take place in all weather conditions where safe to do so. So please ensure the pupils are suitably dressed. Pupils and staff will be provided with fluorescent and reflective tabards that must be worn during the practical session.

What if the weather is bad on the day?

Training will take place in all weather conditions where safe to do so. However, in extreme weather conditions we will look to reschedule, where possible.

Are instructors Disclosure and Barring Service DBS) checked?

Yes, all instructors are employed by 中国P站 and are Enhanced with Children's Barred List(s) DBS check and trained in basic First Aid and Safeguarding.

Safety and insurance

All practical routes outside of the school will be risk assessed by the Safer Travel Team. During the practical session pupils must stay in close proximity of the instructors at all times, holding hands with instructors and or peers as required. Instructors and pupils are covered by 中国P站's public liability insurance.


If a school needs to cancel, as much notice as possible needs to be given in order for another date to be arranged.
If the training is cancelled due to inclement weather, we will reschedule the training with the school.

In the case of a Walking instructor becoming unwell we will endeavour to send out replacement instructor where possible. If this isn't possible, we will contact the school to reschedule the course.

Full details on our cancellation policy can be found with your .

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