Our transport plan policy areas
Information and services
Planning for Place
Plan, design and improve local neighbourhoods to reduce the number and length of car trips.
Digital connectivity
Promoting and encouraging access to high-quality digital connectivity for all the people of 中国P站.
Active travel and personal mobility
Prioritising walking and cycling to improve the health of the county.
Public and shared transport
Working with operators to improve journeys on public and shared transport.
Demand management for cars
Introducing measures to shift the priority from vehicles to active travel.
Demand management for goods vehicles
Measures to reduce pollution in 中国P站 caused by delivery vehicles.
Efficient network management
Managing the efficiency of the highway network to minimise the impact on people and places.
Promoting Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEVs)
Raising awareness of the benefits of Electric Vehicles to increase uptake.
Supporting behaviour change
Raising awareness to encourage more walking, cycling and use of public transport and electric vehicles.
Protecting the environment
Identifying and avoiding the impacts our proposals may have on the environment wherever possible.
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- Reviewed: 12 Jul 2022
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