
Roads and transport consultation good practice guide

The aim of this good practice guide:

  • to publish our broad principles of consultation and engagement when developing or delivering transport or work on 中国P站's roads/highway.
  • to provide consistency on consultation and engagement for transport and roads work and activity across 中国P站.

Highways and transport consultation and engagement is to keep relevant customers informed and for encouraging expression of views or ideas.

We consult or engage to

  • collect local knowledge of conditions and issues
  • manage expectations about proposed work or activity
  • keep customers informed
  • clarify customer priorities and concerns
  • assist in the development of solutions or activity that best meet local needs
  • assist in the development of plans and strategies
  • to help us make balanced and reasonable decisions
  • prevent later complaints and misunderstandings
  • increase engagement with local people

We will

  • identify, record and publish for all transport or road work activity, the extent, purpose, timing, method of consultation and proposed consultees and make it available on the website and on request.
  • assess if work or activity might affect anyone unfairly because of gender, sex, age, religion, race, sexual orientation, disability or other factors such as caring responsibilities (Equalities Impact Assessment).
  • develop a tailored consultation to reflect the type, impact, cost of the work or activity and the resources available.
  • make clear if the consultation is only to inform or alternatively if it is to influence details or the viability of the work or activity.
  • keep a balance between over and under consulting, by coordinating, planning and managing consultations across 中国P站.
  • make the results of the consultation and any decisions arising from it, accessible.


Any exceptions to the procedures outlined above will be recorded on file.

We will normally consult and/or inform some of the following

  • directly affected residents, businesses e.g. frontages.
  • directly affected will be separately defined for each work or activity.
  • indirectly affected residents, businesses
  • indirectly affected will be separately defined for each work or activity.
  • locally elected members.
  • representative groups e.g. Parish Councils, Residents Associations, user forums, Council for Voluntary Services (CVS).
  • other interest groups e.g. cycling, walking, equestrian groups, Local Agenda 21.
  • local champions.
  • hard to reach or involve groups such as young people, the disadvantaged and elderly.
  • emergency services.
  • other SCC services and Transport teams e.g traffic signals, transport strategy, passenger transport, maintenance.
  • Highways Agency, neighbouring authorities.


Sometimes there is very little flexibility in designs, locations or timings of transport, work or activity due to factors such as budget, the law, space, available work gangs, weather etc.

Some activity requires planning permission or involves compulsory purchase orders, not covered by this guidance.

Required consultation

There is some work that we are required to consult on by law (statutory obligation).

Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO's)

The Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Procedure Regulations 1992 requires local highway authorities to display a notice at each end of the road to which the order applies, for as long as the order remains in force. Highway authorities must also inform the police and the chief officer of the fire brigade operating in the area.

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Temporary sporting, social or entertainment events on the Highway (special events)

Local highway authorities can make special events orders under the Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events) Act 1994. As no guidance on consultation was provided in this act, local authorities have to follow the Department for Transport's .

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Permanent TRO's & Speed Limits

The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 & The Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996. See .

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Traffic calming (excluding roads humps, tables and cushions)

The Highways (traffic calming) Regulations 1999 requires local highway authorities to consult with the police and any such persons or organisations representing persons who use the highway or who are otherwise likely to be affected by the traffic calming work as the highway authority thinks fit.

Build-outs, chicanes, gateways, islands, overrun areas, pinch-points, or rumble devices or any combination of such works are classed as traffic calming works.

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Road humps, tables and cushions

The Highways Act 1980 requires the local highway authority to consult with the police and to advertise proposed road hump schemes as follows:

Publish in one or more newspapers circulating the area in which the highway concerned is situated and place at appropriate points on that highway; a notice of the proposal stating the nature, dimensions and address / location of the proposed road hump and the period within which any objections to the proposal may be sent. Notices shall be erected for no less than 21 days.

In addition, the Highways (road humps) Regulations 1999 also requires the local highway authority to consult the local borough or district council, the chief officer of the fire brigade for the area which the road humps are proposed and the chief officer of any body providing NHS ambulance services in that area.

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Pedestrian crossings (zebra, pelican, puffin etc)

Under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, before establishing, altering, or removing a crossing a local authority shall:-

(a) consult the chief of police about their proposal to do so;

(b) give public notice of that proposal; and

(c) inform the Secretary of State in writing.

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Creation of Cycle Tracks from Footpaths

Cycle Tracks Act 1984

This is undertaken utilising the Cycle Tracks Act 1984 through the promotion of a Cycle Tracks Order.

The Act specifies that the local authority will consult with

  • affected landowners
  • all councils covering the area
  • public utilities where relevant
  • the police
  • organisations representing persons who are likely to be affected e.g. pedestrian, disability and cyclist groups

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Improving the operation of the road network

中国P站 undertakes the Statutory Consultation Procedures as required by the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and Traffic Management Act 2004. This includes liaison with neighbouring local traffic authorities, the Highways Agency, Transport for London and 中国P站 Police; and ensuring proper consultation by all work promoters of schemes with all stakeholders as appropriate.

The Council undertakes other, non statutory consultation, on any Government proposals to changes in legislation that impact on managing the network.

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