How do I apply for a public event on a road?
Such closures require a formal legal order to be made. All costs involved for both the closure and diversion signing will have to be borne by the event organiser.
- When special events or parades require the road to be closed off to general traffic a temporary road closure licence will be required, which can only be granted with the written agreement from our highways department.
- In the case of street parties, processions, parades, fairs and carnivals, applicants should apply to their local borough or district council.
- In all other circumstances organisers should apply to or highways department by contacting us via our contact centre.
- We do not deal with demonstrations, please contact so that they can provide you with the relevant information and make the appropriate arrangements.
When do I need to apply?
At least eight weeks notice is required and for some events up to three months will be needed in order to organise them properly. Large events may require even longer. Usually roads that are closed for sporting events can only be closed once a year without the consent of the Secretary of State.
What if I have any queries, concerns or complaints?
Contact us if you have any queries, concerns or complaints.
If you think the location of the materials is a risk to public safety, please contact us immediately. Otherwise, please .