
Woking parking review 2023

Page contents

There are a number of stages involved in the review, as shown in the list above. We are currently at the Implementation stage.


Starting in April and continuing through May 2023 we assessed on-street parking concerns across the borough by carrying out site visits. These were concerns that have been brought to our attention largely by members of the public, the police, councillors and highway officers since the previous review took place. We assessed the requests based on road safety, accessibility, congestion, the possibility of displacing a problem and how many people have requested a change.

After completing all the site visits, we prepared drawings and a statement of reasons explaining our findings and recommendations.


We presented these drawings and the statement of reasons to the county councillors for Woking Borough. Each county councillor read, discussed and agreed with the parking engineer the proposals for their division. The agreed locations were prepared for advertising and consultation.

Advertisement and objections

The parking proposals authorised by the county councillors were then formally advertised. The formal advertising began on 24 August 2023 and ended on 21 September 2023. Thank you to everybody who took part.

The statement of reasons and drawings of what has been advertised are still available to view at the bottom of this page by County Councillor division.

Please note that any Woking town centre proposals will be displayed in the Goldsworth East and Horsell Village division.


All the feedback following the advertising stage was then compiled into a report. The report was distributed to councillors and the traffic enforcement and parking team manager to read. Together they read the report and made decisions on how to proceed at each location, taking the feedback submitted during the consultation into account.

The final recommendations are now available to read in the 'decisions report', which is published below on this web page.


The works orders have been placed with our lining and signing contractors to install the new parking controls. Lining work is well underway, there are currently a dozen locations to be installed or are in progress.

A final traffic regulation order (TRO) has been made and published. This has made all the new restrictions from this parking review legally enforceable by civil enforcement officers.

Files available to download

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