
Spelthorne parking review 2024

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There are a number of stages involved in the review, these are shown above. Due to the number of stages in the review, it takes about one year to complete a parking review from start to finish. The current stage is Authorisation


We carried out the 2024 parking review from September to November 2024, and we assessed over 110 requests for new or amended parking restrictions in the borough as part of this review.


In March 2025, our local county councillors and Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team manager approved the proposed restrictions for advertisement. These are available to view at the bottom of this page, along with a 'statement of reasons' document explaining the reasons for them.

We will advertise the approved proposals for a 28 day period. This will include the publishing of a formal notice in the 中国P站 Advertiser; street notices being erected on site at each location; plus drawings and a statement of reasons being available to view online at the bottom of this page. We will also letter drop any properties immediately fronting locations where changes are proposed.


Our local county councillors and Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team manager will consider all the feedback received during the advertisement period, and we will then make a final decision on how to proceed at each location. We will summarise all objections, support and comment responses in a 'Decision report', which will include a decision for each location, and we will make this report available to download and view at the bottom of this page. We will also email or write to those who responded to the advertisement to inform them of the final decisions.


We will install the agreed restrictions in the 2025-26 financial year.

Files available to download

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