
Runnymede parking review 2022 to 2023

Page contents

There are a number of stages involved in the review, as shown in the list above. We are currently at the Implementation stage.


During July and August 2022, we assessed on-street parking issues across the borough once again. These were issues of concern that have been brought to our attention largely by members of the public, the police, councillors and highway officers since the previous review took place. We visited, assessed, and have prioritised requests for new or amended parking controls in different locations across the borough. We then prepared a report of our findings and recommendations.


We presented this report of findings and recommendations to the Runnymede county councillors. Councillors read and discussed the proposals with officers and agreed to take these proposals forward to the formal adverting and consultation stage.

Advertisement and objections

All the proposals approved by the county councillors have now been advertised.

There was a 28 day advertising period which ended on 24 February 2023. Thank you to everybody who participated. PDF drawings of the original advertised proposals are still available to view below. Drawings are displayed by county councillor division.

  • A separate PDF drawing shows the A320 highway upgrade works.
  • A separate boroughwide PDF drawing shows the electric vehicle recharging point locations.

Please note that any Egham town centre proposals are be displayed in the Englefield Green division.


All the feedback that had been received during the 28 day formal advertising period, has been collected together into a report. The report has been distributed to the county councillors and they have read the contents. Taking the feedback submitted into account, together with the parking enforcement and traffic team manager we have decide on the best way forward and made final decisions on how to proceed at each location where changes are proposed.

The final decisions report has been written and is published below on this page.


Orders to install the agreed changes on the streets have been raised. Work to install the new lining is getting towards completion. We have only a couple of locations to be finished off. The signs associated with this parking review were installed during the last week of March 2024.

A final traffic regulation order (TRO), has been made and published. The changes made in this review are now legally enforceable by civil enforcement officers.

Files available to download

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