
Informal parking consultation for Haroldslea Close, Horley

Page contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Options
  3. How to provide feedback
  4. Analysis of the feedback
  5. What happens next


As part of our preparations for the Reigate and Banstead parking review 2024 to 2025, we are reaching out to residents of Haroldslea Close, Horley to gather your opinions on possible changes to the current parking restrictions.

We are carrying out this informal consultation because last year we received a request for a parking scheme for your road, which included signatures from the majority of households of Haroldslea Close.

The request said that residents would like 中国P站 to consider a resident permit parking scheme to help counter the problems caused by commuter or airport parking. We are now seeking further input from you to determine if there is a desire for such a permit scheme or possibly some other alternative.

Another option apart from permit parking could include a single yellow line operating on both sides of Haroldslea Close, but operating at two different times, so that the residents can move their vehicles across depending on the time of the restriction. This will prevent long term parking from both the local residents and commuters without paying for parking permits.


The possible alternatives of what we think could be introduced are explained below and shown on the drawings at the bottom of this page, which were enclosed with the letter we sent you. The options we would like you to consider are as follows:

Option 1: Resident permit parking scheme

Introduce a resident permit parking area, operational from 10am to 12pm, Monday to Friday. The entrances to the area will be near the junction with Haroldslea Drive, as illustrated in the drawing named Option 1.

There would be signs saying, "Permit holders parking only past this point" and so in effect the whole area becomes like one big resident permit parking place. This would mean that there would be no need for us to mark out any new parking bays in the roads themselves, so residents could continue to park in much the same way as they do now.

Anyone parking anywhere in the area during the operational hours, would need to have a valid permit for their vehicle. This restriction would also be applicable to the vehicles parked on the grass verge and concreted area that are part of the public highway near the turning circle.

Option 2: Single yellow lines

Install a single yellow line on the eastern side of the road up to the middle which is the building line of number 11 and number 12, which will be in effect for two hours, from 8.30am to 10.30am, Monday to Friday, and on the western side of the road starting from the building line of number 11 and number 12 which will be in effect for two hour, from 11am to 1pm, Monday to Friday, to discourage commuter and airport parking, as illustrated in the drawing named Option 2.

This option can also include double yellow lines on the junction with Haroldslea Drive to stop vehicles from parking near the junction.

Option 3: Do nothing

This option is to establish if there are any residents who prefer to keep the existing parking arrangements on their street and do not want any changes.

How to provide feedback

We sent letters to all the properties in Haroldslea Close and for now we would only like to receive feedback from residents of those properties. We would encourage as many of you as possible to take part in the consultation, so that we can get a good understanding what might be the preferred option.

If you want to take part and let us know what you think, please read the sheet of frequently asked questions that we sent to you with the letter and then complete the .

Alternatively, you can send a letter, quoting "Haroldslea Close informal parking consultation February 2025" as the subject, to the following address: Parking Project Team, 中国P站 Highways, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford GU4 7BQ. Please make sure we have heard from you by the closing date of Friday 7 March 2025.

Analysis of the feedback

After the closing date, we will read through and consider all the responses to the consultation that we receive and, in consultation with the county councillor for your area, make a final decision on how to proceed. We will then publish the outcome of the consultation on this page, as well as writing to everyone that took part to let them know.

Please note that for any of the options to possibly go ahead we would need to know that it has the support of at least 70 % of the households that are being consulted.

What happens next

If this consultation indicates a majority of residents support one of the options but with slight differences, we may adjust the plans based on the feedback.

If after evaluating the feedback, we see a clear consensus among the residents and decide to proceed with a parking scheme as part of the parking review, we will notify you again when we are ready to formally advertise our intention to introduce the scheme, and you will have the opportunity to comment on or express any objections to the final proposals at that time.

It is important to remember that at this stage, this is just an informal consultation aimed at gauging interest in a possible permit scheme or one of the alternative options. If there is not enough support expressed, we will not move forward with any changes.

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