
Guildford parking review 2023

There are a number of stages involved in the review, these are shown below.

The current stage is: Implementation

Page contents


During June and July 2023, we looked at some parking issues across the borough. These issues had been brought to our attention largely by members of the public, the police, councillors and highway officers since the previous review took place. We have visited, assessed, and prioritised the requests for new or amended parking controls which should be taken forward.


Having discussed and agreed the proposals with county councillors, authorisation has been granted to advertise our intention to make the changes by the Parking and Enforcement Team Manager

Advertising and objections

We have now finished accepting feedback about our latest proposals. The formal advertising ended on 1 December 2023. Thank you to everybody who took part.

To find out what the proposals were, please refer to the statement of reasons, and then to the relevant drawing pack. There is one for each division, linked at the bottom of this page.

All the feedback received is now being downloaded and compiled into a report for distribution to County Councillors and the Traffic Enforcement and Parking Team Manager.


The Traffic Enforcement and Parking Team Manager, in consultation with the county councillors of Guildford Borough, have now read the report and considered the comments and objections received. Final decision about which proposals should go ahead, and whether any should be changed or withdrawn have now been made.

The final decisions report is now published below on this page. Anyone who raised a comment or objection will receive a letter or email to advise of the outcome. There is no 'appeal' stage.


Now the final decisions have been made, we will go back on site to carry out 'detailed design' in order to specify the new signs and lines required and place a works order with our contractors.

At the same time, we will finalise the traffic regulation orders, and publish a 'made notice' in the local press.

Once the traffic orders are made, and the new signs and lines are in place, the new restrictions will come into effect.

Files available to download

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