
Elmbridge parking review 2024

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There are a number of stages involved in the review, the current stage is: Assessments.


The deadline for requests for new parking controls to be considered as part of this parking review was June 2024.

We have completed a desktop review of the requests received, and subsequent site assessments. The requests are assessed based on a number of factors, including road safety, accessibility, congestion, the possibility of just displacing a problem and how many people supported the change.

We are currently discussing the requests with county councillors in order to reach an agreement on the new parking controls and restrictions to take forward.


Having discussed and agreed the proposals with county councillors, authorisation to advertise our intention to make the changes must be granted by the Parking and Enforcement Team Manager.

Advertisement and objections

At this stage we will advertise the proposals to allow for public comments to be considered before the final decisions are made.

As part of the advertising process, we must take steps to make people who may be affected by the proposals, aware of them. This usually involves erecting street notices at affected locations and writing to properties fronting any proposed new restrictions. We'll also published the mandatory legal notice in the local press, and make copies of the proposed traffic orders, the statement of reasons and the drawings available for inspection at the council offices and libraries.


The feedback received will be read, analysed, and discussed with the county councillor for the area in question. The final decisions are made by the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Manager in consultation with the relevant county councillor.

We will produce a 'Decisions report' which summarises the feedback received and the final decisions made, which will be published online, and we'll write to anyone who raised a comment or objection to advise of the outcome. There is no 'appeal' stage.


Once the final decisions have been made, we carry out 'detailed design' for the new signs and lines required and place a work order with our contractors.

We'll also finalise the traffic regulation orders and publish a 'made notice' in the local press.

Once the traffic orders are made, and the new signs and lines are in place, the new restrictions will come into effect.

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